1. Download Fortect and install it on your computer
2. Launch the program and click "Scan"
3. Click "Repair" to fix any issues that are found
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It’s worth checking out these troubleshooting methods if you see YouTube mobile authentication error message on your computer.
f && p ++; break; case “,”: 0
h + k || 1> a.Da) throw Error (‘ Invalid exponent type “‘+ b + ‘”‘); x =! 1; break; default: c [0] -, x =! 1} 0 == k && 0 f && 0 h + k) || 0 == p) throw Error (‘Invalid format “‘ + b + ‘”‘); n = h + k + n; pattern.ka = 0a.ma && (a.ma = 0)); a .ha = (0this.oa.length? E =! 1: this.va.length = ra) la + = ra, n =! 0; otherwise if (pa == x.charAt (0)) if (helse if (pa == y.charAt (0) && (” u00a0″! = Y.charAt (0) || b [0] +1 = c? 0: sn (c)). Kp, e = tn (e, -f), un (thi s, e), c = tn (c, -f), c = un (dies, c), f = rn (dies, f + sn (c.intValue)); a = tn (a, -f .Kp); (c = 0> a;function one (a, b) var c = tn (b, a.ka); 0 a.ka) throw Error (“The minimum value must be less than the specified value”); eel “x =” n.length, y = 0; if (0 h.length && (h =” 1 “+ Kd (” 0 “, a.ka- h. Length) + h); for (a = h.length; “0” == h.charAt (a-1) && a> b + 1;) a -; for (f = 1; f b? (B = -b, c.push (kn.Gs)): a.Ia && c.push (kn. $ w); b = “” + b; for (var e = kn. ep, f = b.length; f a) return a-48; var b = kn.ep.charCodeAt (0); return bb) return qn; b = Math .min (14, b); var c = a [tn (1, b)]; for (- b ;! c && 3 >> 0), z = [[“js_request_id”, y], [“rr”, 1], [“lc”, 1]], la = Uda (); 0 . header “). getAttribute (” data-search-dym-tracking-id “), a.vr (f, b, h, e, c)) 🙁 e =” “! = = Sf (” symptom “), a.Hi (f, h, b.getAttribute (“data-search-rank”), b.getAttribute (“data-search-result-id”), b .getAttribute (“data-search-request-id”) , b.getAttribute (“data-search-url”),b.getAttribute (“data-search-stream”), b.getAttribute (“ctx-data-search”), e, c))Jea (a, b) functionl.Hi = function (a, b, c, e, f, h, k, n, p, t) b = $ p (p? “guess_ clicked”: “search_results clicked”, b, k, n); Xp (b, “q”, a); Xp (b, “click through rate”, c); Xp (b, “resultId”, e); Xp (b, “requestId”, f); Xp (b, “list of contents shown”, h); aq (dies, b, h, t);l.vr = function (a, b, c, e, f) c = $ p (“offer_ clicked”, c); Xp (s, “d”, a); e && Xp (c, “dymTrackingId”, e); aq (die, c, b, f);l.ur = function (a, b, c) b = $ p (“autocomplete_search_query”, Uf (). visit_id, b); Xp (b, “q”, a); aq (this, b, “”, C);l.sr = function (a, b, c, e) c = $ p (“autocomplete_results_clicked”, Uf (). visit_id, c); Xp (s, “d”, a); Xp (c, “list of contents shown”, b); aq (this, c, b, e);l.tr = function (a, b) “)); bq (this, b,” sc_nullFunction “);function aq (a, b, c, e) e && e instanceof Function? (window.sc_searchMetricsLinkCallback = function () e (c), bq (a, b, “sc_searchMetricsLinkCallback”)): bq (a, b, “sc_nullFunction”)l.Su = function (a) var b = $ p (“article_help_link_clicked”, Uf (). visit_id, “help”); Xp (b, “url”, a); bq (this is, b, “sc_nullFunction”);l.Yu = function (a) var b = $ p (“open_to_article”, Uf (). visit_id, “help”); Xp (b, “list of contents shown”, a); bq (this is, b, “sc_nullFunction”);l.Sl = function (a, b, c, e, f, h, k, n);Function cq (a, b, c) b = $ p (b, Uf (). Visit_id, “help”); c && Xp (b, “contactModeType”, c); bq (a, b, “sc_nullFunction”)l.Vu = function () cq (this, “nd4c_requested”);l.Uu = function () cq (this, “shown_contact_us”, “nd4c_email”);l.Tu = function () cq (this, “contact_us_clicked”, “nd4c_email”);l.Xu = function () cq (this, “shown_contact_us”, “nd4c_tfn”);l.Wu = function () cq (this, “contact_us_clicked”, “nd4c_tfn”);l.0 === h? “suggestion_clicked”: h, a); Xp (a, “requestId”, b); Xp (a, “resultId”, c); void ii = function (a, b, c, e, f, h) a = $ p (void 0! == e && Xp (a, “clickRank”, e); void 0! == f && Xp (a , “shownContentList”, f); bq (this, a, “sc_nullFunction”);function $ p (a, b, c, e) “support-content”), “gfSessionId”, b), “hcName”, Uf (). hc), “locale”, Uf (. lang), “authuser”, Uf (). Au), useAnonymousMetrics, false), userAction, a); (e = eKea () function var a = Uf (). Query_params.find (function (b) return “ec” == b.key);Return value: “”Bq (a, b, c) functionYp.prototype.reportSearchResultsFeatureClick = Yp.prototype.Ii; Yp.prototype.reportND4CTfnClicked = Yp.prototype.Wu; Yp.prototype.reportND4CTfnDisplayed = Yp.prototype.Xu; Yp.prototype.report. ND4 Ypotype.report.ND4 Prototyp.reportND4CEmailDisplayed = Yp.prototype.Uu; Yp.prototype.reportND4CRequested = Yp.prototype.Vu; Yp.prototype.reportImpressions = Yp.prototype.Sl; Yp.prototype
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Use an electronic key (if it can be linked to your account)Move the request to a mobile device (if you have Gmail, the Google Search app, or the YouTube app on your iPhone or iPad, or even if you’re signed in on your Android device)
Switch to airplane mode.Forget about it and reconnect to Wi-Fi.Reboot your wireless router.Change the entire network from DHCP to static.Reset your social contacts settings.
Another reason for this authentication issue is IP conflict. In this case, it is best to change the wireless configuration from DHCP (default) to a static IP address. A quick way to do this is to go back to Settings and view all Wi-Fi options.