Over the past few days, some users reported that they have found a fix for the PS3 player.
Approved: Fortect
Troubleshoot your PS3. If the above methods don’t work, you can also try troubleshooting your device by removing each hard drive from the drive and putting the device type to sleep. A red LED indicator shows the status of your precious device.
Insert the floppy disk into your PlayStation 3 Blu-ray drive.Clean up your main drive. Use a cleaning solution and microfiber cloth to clean the disc.Remove the floppy disk.Please insert a floppy disk to use the PlayStation 3.Clean the lens.Remove your current hard drive.Insert the disc back into the PlayStation 3.
Make sure each of our power cords is plugged in correctly and not loose. Also make sure that all of your power supplies (electrical outlet) are working properly.
The light on the PlayStation iii starts green, turns yellow and possibly quickly red, and flashes endlessly.
This can be caused by either a single motor failure or a third party concept that is jamming the motor. If the problem may be with the laser, the disc can be sent, but the laser does not recognize the disc and does not start the specific motor. It could be caused by a heavily soiled laser lens or other defective laser.
PlayStation Will 3 displays this error for two different reasons. To determine the cause of the error on your console, turn on your console and listen carefully to the fan. If the fan turns on briefly and then turns off, the problem is with the motherboard. If the fan is now almost out ofstarts up, you probably have a serious problem with the power supply.
The most common cause of YLOD error and PlayStation 3 boot failure is a hardware failure on the motherboard. The error is caused by the failure of the soldered parts between the And-CPU-GPU and the real motherboard. This error can be corrected by re-soldering the chips on the motherboard or, although this is not a 100% guarantee, this is all the best option for fixing the YLOD type. iFixit offers both kits and