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2. Launch the program and click "Scan"
3. Click "Repair" to fix any issues that are found
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Here are some easy steps to help you solve the twebbrowser.
Why am I getting JavaScript errors in the WebBrowser?
If a person has IE9 installed, the web browser will always use IE7 mode, unless everyone overrides this behavior using a PC registry setting as described in the StackOverflow answer. This is the most likely reason for the JavaScript errors you get in your web browser (because you don’t see the same errors in IE9).
I’ve had experience showing a JavaScript slideshow using the TWebBrowser component in Delphi 2010.
When I play in IE, Thought doesn’t throw any errors.
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.
1. Download Fortect and install it on your computer
2. Launch the program and click "Scan"
3. Click "Repair" to fix any issues that are found
I don’t understand JavaScript, so I can’t refinance JavaScript code, only Delphi code.
What is twebbrowser component in Delphi IDE?
The TWebBrowser component (in the Delphi IDE’s Internet Palette) is a custom Microsoft ActiveX® control that you will use on forms in your application. You can browse websites, browse Internet pages and other documents, and download knowledge from the Internet.
I need help to stop showing script error messages and continue playing the slideshow.
I have code known as WebBrowser.Silent:=true, but it disables both error messages and image-related slideshows.
“); $(“.slidesjs-pagination”).prependTo(“.pagination_sec”); $(“.slidesjs-pagination”).append(“
“); $(“.slidesjs-play.slidesjs-navigation”).appendTo(“.playpause_sec”); $(“.slidesjs-stop.slidesjs-navigation”).appendTo(“.playpause_sec”);$(.slidesjs-pagination” ).append(“Play”);$(.slidesjs-pagination”).append(“Stop”); } capture(s) /* End: this pin is added by iTalent as part connected to the iTrack COMPL-455 */ $(“.slidesjs-previous.slidesjs-navigation”).attr(‘tabindex’, ‘0’); $(“.slidesjs-next.slidesjs-navigation”).’0′); attribute(‘tabindex’,/* Start: this code is added by iTalent as part of iTrack 1859082 */ $(‘.slidesjs-play.slidesjs-navigation’). attr(‘id’,’playtitle’); $(‘.slidesjs-stop.slidesjs-navigation’).attr(‘id’,’stoptitle’); $(‘.slidesjs-play.slidesjs-navigation’).attr(‘aria-descriptionpar’,’tip1′); $(‘.slidesjs-stop.slidesjs-navigation’).attr(‘aria-descriptionpar’,’tip2′); /* End: this code is added by iTalent as part of iTrack related 1859082 */ });$(document).{ ready(function() if($(“#slides .item”).length button”).attr(“aria-setsize”,items_length); $(“.slidesjs – next, .slidesjs – pagination element button”).attr(“tabindex”,”-1″); $(“.slidesjs-pagination element button”).attr(“role”, “tab”); $(“.slidesjs-previous”).attr(“tabindex”,”-1″); $(“.slidesjs-next”).attr(“aria-hidden”,”true”); $(“.slidesjs-previous”).attr(“aria-hidden”,”true”); $(“.slidesjs-next”).attr(“aria-label”,”Next”); $(“.slidesjs-previous”).attr(“aria-label”,”Previous”); $(“.slidesjs-stop.slidesjs-navigation”).attr(“role”,”button”); $(“.slidesjs-play.slidesjs-navigation”).attr(“role”,”button”); $(“.slidesjs-pagination”).attr(“role”,”tablelist”).attr(“aria-hidden”,”false”); $(“li.slidesjs-pagination-element”).attr(“role”,”list”); $(“.item.slidesjs-slide”).attr(“tabindex”,”-1″); $(“.item.slidesjs-slide”).attr(“aria-label”,”item”); /*$(“.slidesjs-stop.slidesjs-navigation”).on(‘click’, function() var itemNumber is equal to parseInt($(‘.slidesjs-pagination item > a.active’).attr(‘data-slidesjs-item’)); $($(‘.item.slidesjs-slide’)[itemNumber]).find(‘.c-call to action’).attr(‘tabindex’, ‘0’); );*/ $(“.slidesjs-stop.slidesjs-navigation, .slidesjs-pagination-item> button”).on(‘press down key’, function() $.each($(‘.item.slidesjs-slide’),function(i,el) $(el).find(‘.c-call to action’).attr(‘tabindex’, ‘-1’); ); var itemNumber = parseInt($(‘.slidesjs-pagination-item > button.active’).attr(‘data-slidesjs-item’)); $($(‘.item.slidesjs-slide’)[itemNumber]).find(‘.c-call to action’).attr(‘tabindex’, ‘0’); ); $(“.slidesjs-play.slidesjs-navigation”).on(‘click’, function() dollar .each($(‘.item.slidesjs-slide’),function(i,el) $(el).find(‘.c-call to action’).attr(‘tabindex’, ‘-1’); ); ); $(“.slidesjs – pagination element button”).keyup(function(e) e.what; while(keyCode == 9) e.preventDefault(); $(“.slidesjs-stop.slidesjs-navigation”).trigger(‘click’).blur(); $(“button.active”).focus(); ); $(“.slidesjs-play”).on(“click”,Function(Event) if(event.handleObj.type === “click”) $(” .slidesjs-stop”).focus(); if(event else.handleObj.=== type “keydown”) if (event.what === 15 && $(event.target).hasClass(“slidesjs-play”)) $(” .slidesjs-stop”).focus(); ); $(“.slidesjs-stop”).on(“click”,Function(Event) if(event.handleObj.type === “click”) $(” .slidesjs-play”).focus(); if (else.handleObj event.===type “key pressed”) if (event.what === 13 && $(event.target).hasClass(“slidesjs-stop”)) $(“.slidesjs-play”).focus(); ); $(“.slidesjs-pagination element”).keydown(function(s){ Link (e.was){ Case 37: //left arrow key $(“.slidesjs-previous.slidesjs-navigation”).trigger(‘click’); e.preventDefault();
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