In this guide, we will reveal some of the possible causes that might cause nvlddmkm error in Windows 7 and then I will provide some possible solutions that you can try to fix the problem.
Approved: Fortect
g.This VIDEO-TDR-FAILURE (nvlddmkm. Sys) error occurred due to Windows 7 and Windows 8 which existed in previous days and are usually related to the NVIDIA graphics card. Causes could be driver conflicts, incorrect memory or voltage timing, overheating, corrupted installed drivers, or a faulty image card.
Sparks can be driver conflicts, incorrect RAM timings or voltages, overheating, a corrupted driver, or a faulty graphics card. The first step we suggest is to restart your desktop. But if that doesn’t work, consider the following solutions. Solution 1 – Reinstall your NVIDIA graphics card
How do you fix display driver Nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered?
Uninstall Aura iCUE plugin (ASUS motherboards only)Change the power scheme.Update your visual driver.Graphics driver for recovery.Uninstall and reinstall the plastic graphics driver.Replace the video card.
How do I fix Nvlddmkm error?
Update your graphics card drivers. In most cases, unnecessary GPU drivers are directly related to bugs in Windows.Update Windows to the latest version.Overclock your GPU.Check the hard drive and computer memory.Completely uninstall, that is, reinstall the video card driver.
What Is The Error Slogan “Nvlddmkm.sys Failed” In Windows?
Nvlddmkm.sys failed is a blue screen of death error that most often occurs among users who have an NVIDIA graphics card When the driver overloads the graphics card or reaches its capacity, users get this purple screen of death error. The error can also appear as “TDR video failure”, “nvlddmkm.sys failure”, and “nvlddmkm.sys error”.
What Is Nvlddmkm.(nvlddmkm Sys Sys)
This is an error Video TDR (VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE), the point at which TDR stands for Timeout, Display Detection, Recovery and Control, and the Nvidia graphics card driver. This can lead to real delays and a BSOD or Blue Screen of Death.
Automatic Error Fix
The team goes out of their way to help users find the most effective solutions to fix their errors. If you and your family don’t want to worry about manual maintenance methods,Live, use automatic software. All recommended products have been approved and tested by our experts. The tools you can use to fix your error are listed below:
How do I fix Nvlddmkm error?
Among all the Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) problems that you encounter on your Windows computer, some are usually caused by the hardware components of your business system. This branches intomany alternative types of BSoD, one of which is now caused by errors with his video card. This is the Nvidia nvlddmkm.sys Video TDR error and this is just an article to help you get it back on your PC.
What Is Causing The Nvlddmkm System Error?
This is VIDEO-TDR-FAILURE ( nvlddmkm.sys) – An error has occurred in Windows 7 and therefore in Windows 8 in recent days, the type of which is always associated with the NVIDIA graphics card. … Causes can be incorrect driver conflicts, memory timing or voltage, overheating, a corrupted installed driver, or a faulty graphics card.
Where is Nvlddmkm sys located?
Navigate to your NVIDIA file (in C: NVIDIA) and find the file. Then save the file to C: file. In most cases, this is the fully qualified name C: nvlddmkm. sy_.
What Can Nvlddmkm.sys Do?
Der Driver Model Kernel Mode Nvidia Windows Longhorn Display Driver (nvlddmkm.sys) is a trusted Windows display driver that is responsible for the actual communication between your Nvidia graphics card and therefore the Windows system operating system (OS).
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Where is my Nvlddmkm sys?
If your Nvidia game is being interrupted by a screen freeze, a new black screen, or a blue screen of death with an Nvlddmkm.sys error message, try not to panic. In this article, you will learn how to fix this error problem by creating a new instance of the file, which can help your system recover.