If your computer has a Sweet Box spyware error code, check out these troubleshooting tips.
Approved: Fortect
How To Remove SWEET.BOX From Your Computer
To completely remove SWEET.BOX from your device, you need to delete the files, version, Windows registry key and value entry that came with SWEET.BOX. These files, folders, and items on your laptop or computer are listed under Files, Folders, Registry Keys, and Registry Values on each page. Instructions for use
For more information about how to remove the SWEET.BOX registry and registry key values, see How to Remove SWEET.BOX from the Current Windows Registry. Instructions
For more information on deleting SWEET.BOX images and folders, see How to delete files in SWEET.BOX (.exe, .dll, etc.)
How To Delete SWEET.BOX Files (.exe, .dll, Etc.) ^
Additional file folders associated with SWEET.BOX are listed in all file and folder sections on this website.