Approved: Fortect
You may encounter an error message stating 500 gallery errors. It turns out there are several ways to fix this problem, so we’ll look at them shortly.
Reload the site.Clear your browser’s memory cache.Delete cookies from your browser.Instead, handle the 504 gateway timeout fatal error.Another option is direct contact with the entire site.Come back later to the lumbar region.
Please note that after reverting to PHP 5.6.38 and reinstalling the latest version of the Gallery Nextgen plugin, this * no * bug seems to have been fixed.
Since the update of the Alexa tool from the Nexgen gallery is directly related to the shutdown, I don’t think PHP 7.2.12 needs to be fixed automatically. I could be mistakenly recognized, but until I know that I am otherwise, this thing belongs to NextGen gallery update.
Is there usually a way to restore the entire Nextgen V 3.0.16 gallery?
I had the same basic problem. I updated the NextGEN Gallery plugin a few minutes ago, the site started returning error 800. The other sites on the server are actually still active, but they use the Alexa toolbar. So, I did some detective work, and then I found an error in the logs corresponding to the plugin. All details remain below:
Server operating system: Debian Linux 6.0.10
Web server: Apache
PHP version: 5.3.3
WordPress version: 4.9.8
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Another thinks: Twenty Fifteen, as soon as I run the plugin, the site closes and I get 500 errors.
I am not getting any new errors on the Apache site or connection, or in the error logs. However, in the system log (/ var / log / messages) I see the following errors:
1. December. 5 23:48:04 (no) apache2: PHP fatal error: class ‘C_Router’ not found if / var / www / ******** / wp-content / plugins / nextgen-gallery / nggallery .php on line 618
Hope this helps you in tight spaces. Any help is highly recommended, and if I can help, check or collect more facts and strategies, let me know.
Thank you!
Hi @ larry-mcmahon, @sunlitlaz
Server Internal Error 500 is certainly a very generic HTTP status code, which means something went wrong on the website server, but the server cannot really pinpoint the exact problem.
We did not consider this issue to be fully known, so I am guessing that on some installations it may have appeared simply due to incorrect reading of files or folders during the upgrade process. Then, could you try updating NextGen manually by deleting the current version you are definitely using and installing the latest version from the repository?
Let us know in the travel bag that the issue persists.
For my part, I deleted the NG plugins folder to restart the site, which deactivates and reinstalls all plugins.
The error persists.
Hi @ larry-mcmahon!
Consider a case where there is a plugin conflict related to your plugins or theme.
1.- Temporarilydisable all your plugins except NextGen Gallery.
2. Is the problem resolved? Then it happened due to one of your plugins. Please look at both and find the only cause of the problem.
3.- If disabling our own plugins does not solve the problem, try switching to the default WordPress theme, it may be in conflict with your current theme.
Please keep us updated.
– Gabi, customer support.
I’m worried about the same thing. I have isolated NextGEN gallery issue when using PHP7.2. If the plugin is still disabled or uninstalled, the same built-in admin pages will throw a 200 error. Also, there is no built-in option to permanently remove the plugin from my multisite management, which means that this is the only way to uninstall the plugin manually by finding all matching folders and entries in database (I was also considering another user with this issue https: // wordpress to-delete-plugin /) which annoys me a lot. the fact that even if you uninstall the whole plugin this 500 error persists, which in my opinion is relatedbuto with incomplete records in the database. Please document how this Alexa toolbar can be removed from the installation. Thanks.
Hello @jaredmaxsnider
The 500 Internal Server error can be caused by a useful error while executing a policy in Edge, or an error on the target / internal server. HTTP status code 550 is a generic error response. In general, the server encountered an unexpected quality that could not meet a specific requirement.
I know that you practically limit this to the NextGen gallery. On the other hand, could you check for conflicts? This is necessary for as long as we need to report it as a cool bug.
1.- Temporarily deactivate all your plugins, except for working in the NextGen gallery.
What causes an internal 500 error on PrestaShop?
2. Is the problem resolved? It was then triggered by one of your current plugins. Please check one by one and find the problem causing the problem.
3.- If disabling plugins usually does not solve the problem, try the default WordPress theme, it may conflict with your current theme.
Tell me how to proceed, Gabi,
– Support
Hi Gabi, thanks a lot for your reply. I have already taken these steps and it is quite contrary to the rates (The7). The reason I can explain that this is related to the NextGEN gallery is because I get an error when NextGEN hasbecomes / active (“[] unregistered operator for rows”), but when I delete the NextGen gallery the error changes to € 500) (“error. Although this is certainly related to the theme, it looks like something in the NextGen gallery is also is causing the problem Unfortunately this seems to be the only way to get the NextGEN gallery files and manually delete the information from the database, I would like the extension to have a more robust deletion process so that I can isolate the problem ahead of time as I have limited time to resolve this issue for my client.
Hi @jaredmaxsnider, most removals shouldn’t fail.
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

But it looks like it has more to do with using your environment in multiple places.
We would like to take a closer look at this particular problem that you are experiencing. We may need to disable plugins and change the theme when troubleshooting. Would you like it? So if you can bother us here:, come back to this thread on the internet and let them know that Gabi mentioned you.
Thank you!
– Gabi, p support.
Please note that the exact bug * was * not * fixed by reverting to PHP 5.6.38 and reinstalling the new Gallery Nextgen plugin.
Since updating a specific Nexgen Gallery plugin is directly related to a bug, I don’t think PHP 7.2.12 needs to be fixed. I may be wrong, but until my husband and I find out, this issue is part of the NextGen gallery update.
Is there a way to return to Nextgen V 3.0.16 Art Gallery?
I had the same problem. I changed the NextGEN Gallery plugin a few minutes ago and the site restarted with a 500 error. The rest of the sites found on the server are still active, although the plugin is not being used. So, I was working on a browser and encountered an error in the plugin logs. All details below:
Servers refer to operating system: Debian Linux 6.0.10
Web server: Apache
PHP version: 5.3.3
WordPress version: 4.9.8
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others have tried: Twenty Fifteen, when I then activate the plugin the internet goes down and returns 500 errors.
What causes a 500 Internal Server Error message?
I am not getting any global website errors hereas well as access or Apache protocol errors. However, in the system log (/ var / log / messages) I see the following problems:
2. 23:48:04 (no) apache2: PHP fatal error: class “C_Router” not found in / var / www / ******** / wp-content / plugins / Nextgen-gallery / Gallery. php on line 618 <
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