If your system has adamm mover getdriveinfo error, we hope this guide can help you.
Approved: Fortect
Appendix: Backup 10d Exec for Windows Server 10.1.5629
Platform: Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition
Tape Drive: HP DAT72 Drive C7438A
Backup Exec Updates Applied:
Service Pack 2 < br> Hotfix 43
Hotfix 46
Hotfix 45
Latest Veritas Tape Drivers
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Backup Exec with 10d on the new HP ML350 with integrated SCSI controller for the HP DAT72 drive. (Separate RAID controller for hard drives).
I have removed / updated the tape drive and Backup Exec so many times that I now have the following issue. Could you help me? I thought I could get Veritas / Symantec cellular support, but not for free! Anyway … can anyone work with the following services? You get full god status!
The tape device has been recognized by Backup Exec and the appropriate tabs have been installed.
Driver Manufacturer: Symantec Corporation – Driver Date: 06/23/2006 – Driver Version:
Prior to this, the latest HP driver was 1.5.32.
The device appears under “All devices with correct information, etc.”
As soon as I can start the device with what Well, for example, with a new inventory, extraction, saving, etc. Also in Event the Viewer I save these two messages, they seem rather absurd to me, but maybe “Aha” in support of the fact that someone is reading this ?? (I hope so !).
Date: Date, Time: Time, Type: Error, User: N / A, Computer: Server Name, Source: Backup Exec, Category: Peripherals, Event ID: 33152
Adamm Mover Error: GetDriveInfo Error!
Drive = “HP 1”
Equal media “”
Mode read: SingleBlock (0), ScsiPass (0)
Write mode: SingleBlock (1), ScsiPass (1)
Now an application log error (event 33152) occurs every 1-2 seconds when performing one operation on a backup at runtime. So is event 11.
I ran the SGMON utility and turned on the output log for the inventory, which ran for a few minutes before terminating, as this will continue! Do you know if it will be useful to someone …?
Retrieve 1.to C: Program Files VERITAS Backup Exec NT logs SGMon.log
server: 18.12.06 12:20:27 20 Request for automatic deletion of warnings
server: 18/12 // 06 12:20 PM: 40 -1 SQLLog (1930): AgeSession m_threadMap: SessionThreadID: 350, CurrentThreadID: 1100 < br> beserver: 12/18/06 12:21:28 PM 20 Request to automatically remove warning
beserver: 12/18/2019 06 12:21:29 PM -1 Job manager: LoadJob () – request completed
beserver: 18 / 12/06 12:21:34 twelve AdammAdminBO :: Query () – Parent = NULL, Entity = MACHINE
pvlsvr: 12/18/06 12:21:34 PM PvlEntityDatabase :: QueryEntity ()
ParentEntityType = NULL_ENTITY_TYPE
ParentEntityGuid = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
1 EntityGuid = 082AB97 -4EAF-B097-078C1E52CA1D
EntityName is “”
EntityFlags = 0x00008000
Beserver: 18.12 .06 12:21:34 6 AdammAdminBO :: Query () – hr = 0x0
beserver: 18.12 .06 12:21:34 12 AdammAdminBO :: Query () – Parent matches NULL, Entity = DEVICE_POOL
p vlsvr: 18.12.06 12: 2 1:34 PvlEntityDatabase :: QueryEntity ()
ParentEntityType = NULL_ENTITY_TYPE
ParentEntityGuid = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
EntityGuid means 00000000 -0000-0000-0000-0000 br> EntityName = “” matches EntityF
0x0 0008000
beserver: 18.12.06 12: 21: 3 4 12 AdammAdminBO :: Query () – hour = 0x0
beserver: 18.12.06 12:21: 34 12 AdammAdminBO :: Query () – Parent = MACHINE, object is equal to DISK
pvlsvr: 12/18/06 12:21:34 PM PvlEntityDatabase :: QueryEntity ()
ParentEntityGuid = 082AB79C-1C97- 4EAF- B097-078C1E52CA1D
EntityType matches DRIVE_ENTITY0000-tGuid = 082AB79C-1C97-4EAF-B097-078C1E52CA1D
EntityType matchesDRIVE_ENTITY0000-TGuid = -000000000000-00 = 00000000 EntityName means “<" br = 0x00008000
Beserver: 12/18/06 12:21:34 PM there are twelve AdammAdminBO :: Query () – hr = 0x0
Beserver: 12/18 .06 12:21:34 12 AdammAdminBO :: Query () – Parent = MACHINE, Entity = BACKUP_TO_DISK
pvlsvr: 06/18/18 12:21:34 PM PvlEntityDatabase :: QueryEntity ()
ParentEntityGuid is 082AB79C- 1C97-4EAF-B1D52CA
EntityGuid is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000br0000000Name = “” EntityGuid is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000br00000000Name
br = 0 > server: 18.12. 06 12:21:34 12 AdammAdminBO :: Query () – hr matches 0x0
beserver: 12/18/06 12:21:34 12 AdammAdminBO :: Query () – Parent = MACHINE, Entity = DRIVE_POOL_DRIVE
pvlsvr: 18/12/06 12:21:34 PvlEntityDatabase :: QueryEntity ()
ParentEntityType means MACHINE_ENTITY_TYPE
ParentEntityGuid = 082AB79C-1C97-4EAF-B097-078C1E52CA1D
EntityType__ .DRIVE0000000-00_00_00_0000_00_00_00_00_00_00_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0 † EntityName = “” < br> EntityFlags = 0x00008000
Be careful r: 18.12.06 12:21:34 12 AdammAdminBO :: Query () – hr = 0x0
beserver: 18.12.06 12:21:34 1 AdammAdminBO :: Query ( ) – Parent = MACHINE, Entity = CHANGE
pvlsvr: 12/18/06 12:21:34 PM PvlEntityDatabase :: QueryEntity ()
ParentEntityGuid means 082AB79C- 1C97 -4EAF-B097CA78C1 > EntityType = LIBRARY_
EntityGuid = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
EntityName = “”
En tityFlags
> Beserver: 18.12.06 12: 21:34 12 Declaration ammAdminBO :: Request () – sign hr and 0x0
server: 18.12.06 12:21:34 -1 ActiveState :: doDispatch (:( ‘Inventory Drive 00002’
server: 18.12.06 12:21:34 17 CJobManagerBO :: Query_JOBSETUP_MONITOR
beserver: 18.12.06 12:21:34 -1 LocalSvr, runTask (): 5f1f648d-3bf8-4026-a585-cbe60061f8a2
beserver: 18/06 / 12 12:21:34 12 AdammAdminBO :: Get () – Parent = NULL, Entity = DEVICE
pvlsvr: 12/18/06 12:21:34 PM PvlEntityDatabase :: QueryEntity ()
ParentEntityType = NULL_ENTITY_TYPE ParentEntityGuid = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
EntityGuid = F529-4DAF30-E3 -893F-EA7575C9443E
EntityName = “”
EntityFlag 0x00000000
server: 18/12/06 12:21:34 12 AdammAdminBO :: Get () – hr = 0x0
beserver: 18/12 / 06 12:21:34 11. LocalSvr, RunTask: EngineHandedJob SUCCESS, jobid: 5f1f648d-3bf8 – 4026-a585-cbe60061f8a2.
server: 18/12/06 12:21:36 – 1 UtilityJobThread – started
server: 12/18/06 12:21:36 PM 12 AdammAdminBO :: Query () – Parent = NULL, Entity = MACHINE
pv lsvr: 12-18.06 12:21:36 PM PvlEntityDatabase :: QueryEntity ()
ParentEntityType = NULL_ENTITY_TYPE
ParentEntityGuid equals 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
EntityGuid equals 00000000-00 0000- 0000-0000-000000000000
EntityName = “”
EntityFlags = 0x00000000
Beserver: 18/12/06 12:21:36 12 AdammAdminBO :: Query () – hour means 0x0
pvlsvr: 18.12 .06 12:21:36 AdammSession :: Execute (ADAMM_SESSION_EXECUTE_SESSION_SET_JOB_INFO)
Session = 870712A9-478E-4CC1-849C-FAE585E502BD
: 18.12.06 12:21:36 – 1 start inventory
pvlsvr: 12/18/06 12:21:36 PM AdammSession :: Execute (ADAMM_SESSION_EXECUTE_INVENTORY_READ_MEDIA_HEADER)
Session = 870712A9 – 478E-4CC1-849C – FAE585E502BD
de-E512-HPDA30 “43-EA75” 75C “43EA75 br> beserver: 12/18/06 12:21:39 PM 17 CJobManagerBO :: Query QUERY_JOBSETUP_MONITOR
pvlsvr: 12/18/06 12: 21:39 PM AdammSession:: Media UtilityThreadProc (ADAMM_SESSION_EXECUTE_INVENTORY_READ_MEDIA_HEADER7-66) <70> -4D2A-924C-15818F651550 Job = 5F1F848FD-326-40600 A5DA3085-CBE60061F88A5 drive “Inventory drive =” Inventory drive = “Inventory drive =” Inventory drive = “Inventory drive =” Inventory drive = “Inventory drive =”> E75 “Inventory” drive, “Inventory drive = E755129F443” HP 1 “< br> slot = 0000
side = 0000
beserver: 12/18/06 12:21:41 -1 The key was requested by the client.
beserver: 12/18/06 12:21:41 -1 Client ‘SR0003DJL ‘connected (‘ ‘,’ DJL administrator ‘): 0x157eab8
pvlsvr: 18/12/06 12:22:01 AdammSession :: MediaUtilityThreadProc (ADAMM_SESSION_EXECUTE_INVENTORY_READ_MEDIA_HEADER)
session is EB70FEC7-6615F841 = 5 -F -4026-A585-CBE60061F8A2, “Inventory Drive 00002-4753-489 drive = F124123-489 drive = F124123-489 drive F12F89489-4753-E5F89F89489-43> slot corresponds to 0000
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