Approved: Fortect
Here are some simple steps that should help you solve your friend’s aptio bios problem. Image: Extract AMI Configuration Data (FRIENDSHIP) AMISDE is a command line tool for exporting configuration data from an Aptio ROM image, including spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel®. It generates a useful summary of BIOS configuration settings and defaults that improve performance during testing and. Datasheet Aptio Utilities

Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Custom UEFI and BIOS utilities for Aptio and AMIBIOS simplify development and debugging. The AMI Aptio Firmware makes it easy to migrate to the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) specification, giving fashion designers all the benefits of UEFI – modularity, portability, C-based coding – while leveraging tools that simplify production and increase productivity. labor productivity. The many AMI utilities for customizing BIOS ROM images without rebuilding any of our firmware offer a distinct advantage in reducing the time and cost of each.
AMI Firmware Update (AFU)
Is there an AMI firmware for UEFI BIOS?
In fact, AMI developed Aptio specifically to address OEM and ODM issues with BIOS and UEFI.
AMI Firmware Update (AFU) is a scripting command line utility for DOS, Microsoft Windows®, FreeBSD Linux and my UEFI -Shell. AFU is used for factory or specific BIOS updates and is flexible enough to help you update all or part of your flash memory. It programs the main BIOS image, block boot regions, or OEM custom ROMs.
Ami BIOS Configuration Utility (AMIBCP)
Aptio® V is a production-ready, rugged UEFI BIOS firmware that supports the latest UEFI specifications, as well as the security, fast learning and touch support features that today’s devices demand.
The ami BIOS Configuration Utility (AMIBCP) for Aptio finally allows customers to use options in ROM BIOS from rebuild from source. Developers can change BIOS setup defaults, change default boot in BIOS setup order, view and change connection and setup strings, and change SMBIOS string data.
After turning on the computer, click Remove.On some older motherboards using AMI BIOS, you may be prompted to press the F1 or F2 key instead.
via BIOS – “UEFI Utilities
via BIOS – “UEFI Utilities
AM firmwareI Aptio makes it easy to transition to a type of Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) specification that offers developers all the benefits of UEFI – modularity, portability, C-based coding – while expanding user-friendly tools that make production easier and more productive.
About BIOS – UEFI Utilities
What kind of utility is Aptio setup utility?
Aptio Configuration Utility is definitely known as Computer Configuration Utility, published by American Megatrends Incorporated (known as AMI). Aptio Configuration Utility is also known as American Megatrends BIOS Access Utility, which almost everyone comes with desktop and laptop computers. The Aptio configuration utility is currently widely used by the following computer manufacturers:
AMI Installation Management Environment (AMISCE)
AMISCE is a dedicated command line tool that provides an easy way to update NVRAM variables. Extract variables directly using BIOS, change settings with this text editor or installer, and update BIOS. AMISCE generates a software file listing all configuration problems associated with the system modified by AMISCE. The user can then modify the script archive and use the current NVRAM configuration variables as input modifications.

AMI Setup Extraction Research (AMISDE)
AMISDE is a command line tool to send configuration data from Aptio ROM, including spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel ®. It generates a useful summary report of BIOS settings and defaults, which increases test and production performance.