Approved: Fortect
In some cases, your computer may display the error message “Antivirus gratis 30 giorni di prova”. This issue can occur for a number of reasons.
What are the return codes when using Informix / OnBar?
An Informix / OnBar error can occur when performing an Informix TDP backup using OnBar. Below is a list of some of these Informix / OnBar return codes.
#define BSA_RC_ABORT_SYSTEM_ERROR 0x03 (03)
#define BSA_RC_INVALID_TObine (11)
#define BSA_RC_INVALID_TObine (11)
#define BSA_RC_INVALID_KEYWORD_ObJECTSPACE_defineAbS_defineA_BsfineA_BsdeA_BsfineA_defineA_BsfineA_BsA_RC_BDWORD_0c (12)
> #define BSA_RC_MORE_RULES 0x0f (15)
#define BSA_10_RC_NED
#define BSA_RC_NO_MATCH 0x11 (17)
#define BSA_RC_DATA
#define BSA_RC_DATA
0xRdO (19) < br> BSADATRC_N)
#define BSA_RC_NULL_15 (21) OBJRC_NULL_
#define BSA_RC_NULL_POINTER 0x16 (22)
#define BSA_RC_18 (24)
#defin e BSA_RC_OBJECT> 0xNOTdef_EMPTY_OTJECT_NULL (26) br> #define BSA_RC_OBJINFO _TOO_LONG1 # Definition BSA_RC_OLDTOKEN_REQD 0x1e (30)
#define BSA_RC_TOKEN_EXPIRED 0x1f (31) #f> #REDSA 0RED1x_RC20_TOf> #REDSA 0RED_def_TOf
#define BSA_S4> (3_OB_USER)
However, since X / Open did not define hthen what each of these
return codes actually means, the X / Open Backup Services API no longer controls which of these
functions in the API. … The
documentation for a separate memory manager should specify the value of
in relation to the above return codes. The following redemption codes are generated by the ON-Bar utilities and not directly by the site manager. For this reason, it can be explained further.
#define BAR_NOTFOUND (200)
This 100 means that a particular ON-Bar was looking for a particular
entry in the sysutils database, or was trying to get a particular
object from the memory editor and couldn’t find it.
#define BAR_BUG 0x9f (159)
Failed to perform a custom check for an unsatisfactory error condition while running ON-Bar. This should always be reported to Technical Support
with the full contents of the ON-Bar trace log.
#define BAR_LISTERR 0x9e (158)
An internal error determined that it occurred while processing lists of
objects (such as DBSpaces or logical logs). This error must be reported to the technical support service with the full content of the ON-Bar sports magazine.
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

#define BAR_NO_SHMBASE 0x9d failed (157)
to set this INFORMIXSHMBASE environment variable on the panel.
#define 0x9b bar_no_server (155)
ON-Bar should set the INFORMIXSERVER
environment variable while performing a cold restore. If he can find the meaning of
, the ON-Bar will not be able to distinguish the need for cold recovery from a simple environmental problem, and therefore the program will not continue.
#define BAR_NO_PERMISSION 0x9a (154)
This version of ON-Bar requires the onbar utility to be run by root or informix.
#define BAR_PGID_FAILED 0x99 (153)
To provide adequate control over the procedure and to allow collection of onbar procedure types that can be completed together (see
Controlling SIGQUIT in user documentation) if BAR_MAX_BACKUP
returns any value other than 1 and ON-Bar encounters a
error when setting the UNIX group action plan identifier, this value will be returned by
#define BAR_NO_LOG_BACKUP 0x98 (152)
When a wonderful process in the panel tries to perform an expected log backup and
finds that a log backup is already in progress,
it returns the following error Bku.
#define BAR_BAD_SERVER_STATE 0x97 (151)
Some backup / restore projects are only allowed if the online server
is indeed in a certain state. For example, it is not possible to back up a dbspace if the
online server is offline. This error is returned when a backup / restore request
when the webserver is in a state where the
request is incompatible. BAR_CONFIG_ERROR
#define 0x96 (150)
ON-Bar receives setup instructions from
$ INFORMIXDIR / etc / $ ONCONFIG. It returns this error if there was a problem reading this file or if criminal values were found there.
#define BAR_BAD_USAGE 0x95 (149)
This error is returned if invalid bound command line arguments were passed. For more information, see the Activity Log in the
#define BAR_SQL_ERROR 0x94 (148)
This is returned for generic SQL from errors that ON-Bar
cannot fix. In particular, all SQL and ISAM error codes and
messages were still logged in the ON-Bar activity log.
#define BAR_NO_LIST – 0x93 (147)
This is the error code that is returned when the ON-Bar cannot determine which job to execute. For example, if a user specifies a point-in-time restore, but specifies a time before the first ON-Bar db space backup, the db space backups list cannot be created like this one here you perform the restore …
#define BAR_SRV_CONNECT 0x92 (146)
This proved that ON-Bar tried to exchange the DBSpace flag or
boolean data with the servers in the OnLine database, but the
engine did not respond in every free time. This is not the same as an SQL query that times out due to a SET LOCK MODE statement.
#define BAR_NO_MEMORY 0x91 (145)
This indicates that the ON panel was unable to allocate memory
, usually due to insufficient operating system resources.
#define BAR_BLOB_DOWN 0x90 (144)
If you have time to back up the logical log according to the onbar -l
command line, ON-Bar now returns this error when blob space is
does not work. Protocol support can be repeatedactivate by reclaiming this blob space.
#define BAR_NO_PID 0x8f (143)
If BAR_MAX_BACKUP is nonzero, ON-Bar creates parallel slave processes
for backup and restore. This error is also returned if the backup or restore task cannot be fully completed
the operating system does not prompt these children to start.
#define BAR_FILE_OPEN 0x8e (142)
ON-Bar works with multiple files stored in the file system. It is
, if any of these files cannot be accessed for any reason (eg UNIX filesystem followed by permissions) it throws this situation error.
#define BAR_FUNCINTRPT 0x8d (141)
When an ON-Bar experiment receives a signal at runtime,
is returned until this value is returned to the caller.
#define 0x8c bar_fake_failed (140)
For some reason, a fake save (onbar -f) definitely cannot be done
#define BAR_BAD_VERSION 0x8b (139)
bar_version (
sysutils database) probably won’t have an entry matching the version number returned by the memory manager during panel initialization. No doubt this is usually a problem with the installation of warehouse agents.
#define BAR_SM_ERROR 0x8a (138)
This is a generic stock manager error return code and is only used internally within the ON-Bar. Usually one of the error codes defined by
XBSA is returned to the caller from the ON-Bar. BAR_MAX_DBS
#define 0x89 (137)
Should never be found on. This error indicates that someone has backed up or may have restored more database spaces than OnLine and ON-Bar allow them to exist.
#define BAR_NO_WARM 0x88 (136)
The caller of onbar received a request to frequently restore one of the critical
DBspaces. This is an illegal operation.
#define BAR_NO_CHILD 0x87 (135)
This should never just be returned to the caller. This indicates that, as part of parallelizing
backup or restore,
onbar has started a significant child process and may not find this child process.
#define BAR_EARLY_LOG 0x86 (134)
This is returned when a point-in-log continuation was requested with a logical log file that may not be able toIt cannot be used because currently the database spaces are already physically rebuilt.
#define BAR_NO_BSALIB 0x85 (133)
This indicates that the memory manager did not install you completely or incorrectly, or that its BAR_BSALIB_PATH parameter
in the $ INFORMIXDIR / etc / $ ONCONFIG n ‘file was not installed correctly was properly in the recruitment process. Note that not all applications support the
#define 0x84 (132)
This could mean that the memory manager may not have implemented one of the functions that ON-Bar depends on. Contact your warehouse management vendor and Informix Technical Support.
#define BAR_AAPI_ERROR 0x83 (131)
This error is returned if there is a problem when exchanging save-restore data for DBSpaces or logical firewood between
ON-Bar and OnLine – the database server. For more information, see the
Connections Panel exercise. You can often work around these errors by trying to keep the same ON-bar control online again.
If it works, don’t contact tech support.
#define BAR_SERVER_CRASH 0x82 (130)
This error is returned, just as the ON-Bar detects that the online database server
stopped unexpectedly during a backup or restore.
Sometimes your vendor’s storage management implementation of XBSA is stricter than the standard usually requires. This is the only flaw that Informix has encountered that cannot be addressed in strict compliance with the standard.
#define ADSM_RC_PSWD_GEN 0x68 (104)
IBM ADSM is in password generation mode.