You may have encountered an error code indicating a problem with this Windows installation package. There are several ways to fix this problem, and we’ll get back to that shortly.
Approved: Fortect
You can try unregistering Windows Installer, then re-registering Windows Installer to see if the problem persists. In particular, do you follow these steps:
a) At startup, type search, type msiexec / unreg in the box, and then press Enter.
Right click fafile “setup.msi” or one of the files “Installation” and select “Run as administrator”
b) Open an elevated administrator command prompt and type “cmd” when starting the search. Right click on “cmd” and select “Run as administrator”
c) When prompted to activate the program, select Yes to give your computer a try.
d) Change directory to the folder where the Windows package statement apploc.msi is stored (using the CD command).
Microsoft AppLocale is a utility that allows users of Windows XP and 2003 based on Unicode (UTF-16) to work with legacy, non-Unicode (codepage based) applications without using the current locale system to edit … AppLocale automatically recognizes text from non-Unicode programs and simulates a very similar system locale for a code page to / from Unicode conversion rate. Although Applocale has not yet been updated to work with Vista, it can be used without any problems. However, when trying to install AppLocal on Windows Vista, the usualBut the following error occurs.
There is a problem with this Windows installation package. The software required for this type of installation may not be the host. Contact support and your owner plan.
Installation is incomplete
Setup was interrupted before installing Microsoft AppLocale. To try again, you need the installer.
Click Close to exit.
The installation issue is most likely related to UAC security measures. If you and your family turn off User Account Control, all errors will most likely go away and AppLocale will install correctly. However, here’s another workaround that you don’t need to disable from the UAC security threat.
- Start an elevated command prompt by right-clicking Command Prompt from the Start menu and choosing Run as Administrator.
- When the User Account Control dialog box appears, force click Continue.
- Change directory to the folder where you placed the Wi Installer packagendows apploc.msi.
- Enter apploc.msi to get some of the configuration.
- Installation completed successfully.
is a Tech Journey technical blogger with organizational learning and network admin. For 15 years now, he has been sharing his experience in the digital and technological field. Contact LK via Tech Journey on Twitter, Facebook, possibly