Over the past week, some of our users have reported that they have stumbled upon Autoit-Regedit.
1. Download Fortect and install it on your computer
2. Launch the program and click "Scan"
3. Click "Repair" to fix any issues that are found
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#include Example()Function example ()A; Make sure to have a registry key to avoid damaging all of our users’ systems. RegRead (“HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software AutoIt_Example”, “Key1”) @error; set to a nonzero value when looking for a nonexistent registry keyOtherwise @error then MsgBox ($ MB_SYSTEMMODAL, “To” “, an error occurred while trying to create a new temporary registry key.” “AutoIt_Example” “definitely exists.”)A ” endA; Write the individual REG_SZ value into the “Key1” key. RegWrite (“HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software AutoIt_Example”, “Key1”, “This” reg_sz “is an exercise in RegWrite”)A; Make a note of the REG_MULTI_SZ value “Line 1” and “Line 2”. Always add an extra newline character when writing the REG_MULTI_SZ value. RegWrite (“HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software AutoIt_Example”, “Key2”, “String” reg_multi_sz “, 1” &