Sometimes your system can generate an error with the message b1d svchost.exe. There can be many reasons for this error.
Source: Process st arted
Author: Florian Roth, Haag, Mikhail Teimur Kheirkhabarov, Daniil Yugoslavsky, Data: Comm and: ‘C: W indows sys tem32 wbem wmic.exe ‘ Process c all create ‘ vssadmin .exe delete shadow e / all / quie t ‘, command dLine:’ C: < wbr> Windows s ystem32 wb em wmic.ex e ‘process call crea te’ vssadm in.exe Del ete Shadow < wbr> s / all / qu iet ‘, Comm andLine | ba se64offset | contains: Image: z, C: Window s System32 wbem WMIC .exe, NewP rocessName : C: Windo ws System3 2 wbem WMI C.exe, Ori ginalFileN ame: C: Wi ndows Syst em32 wbem WMIC .exe, ParentComm and line: c omputerdef aults. exe, ParentIma ge: C: Win dows Syste m32 Comput erDefaults .exe, Pare ntProcessI d: 6192, P rocessCom m andLine: ‘ C: Windows system32 wbem wmic. exe ‘process ss call cr eate’ vssa dmin. exe D elete Shad ows / quiet ‘, / all Pr ocessId: 6 440 < / wbr> < / wbr> < /small>
Source: Process st arted
Author: Teimour Kheirkhabarov, Daniil Yugoslavsky, Data: Comm and: ‘C: W indows sys tem32 wbem wmic.exe’ Process c all create ‘vssadmin .exe delete shadow e / all / quie t’, dLine command: ‘C: Windows s ystem32 wb em wmic.ex e ‘Process Create dialog te’ vssadm in.exe Del ete Shadow s / all / qu iet ‘, Comm andLine | ba se64offset | contains: Image: z, C: Window s System32 wbem WMIC .exe, NewP rocessName : C: Windo ws System3 2 wbem WMI C.exe, Ori ginalFileN name: C: Wi ndows Syst em32 wbem WMIC .exe, ParentComm and line: c omuterdef aults.exe, ParentIma ge: C: Win dows Syste m32 Comput erDefaults .exe, Pare ntProcessI d: 6192, P rocessComm andLine: ‘ C: Windows system32 wbem wmic. exe ‘process ss call cr eate’ vssa dmin.exe D elete Shad execute / all / quiet ‘, Pr ocessId: 6 440 small>
Source: Process st arted
Author: Florian Roth: Data: Comm and :, Com mandLine: , CommandL ine | base64 offset | con contains :, C: W indows Sys tem32 svch ost i mage: .exe, N ewProcessN ame: C: Wi ndows Syst em32 svcho st.exe or iginalFile Name: C: W indows Sys tem32 svch ost. exe, P arentComma ndLine: ‘C : Users us er Desktop 7906dc47_ by_Librana lysis.exe’ , ParentI < wbr> mage: C: U sers user Desktop 79 06dc47_by_ Libranalys is.exe, Pa rentProces sId: 5008, ProcessCo mmandLine: , process id : 2996
Source: Process st arted
Author: Teimour Kheirkhabarov, Daniil Yugoslavsky, Data: Comm and: ‘C: W indows sys tem32 wbem wmic.exe’ Process c all create ‘vssadmin .exe delete shadow e / all / quie t’, dLine command: ‘C: Windows s ystem32 wb em wmic.ex e ‘process Making calls te’ vssadm in.exe Del ete Shadow s / all / qu iet ‘, Comm andLine | ba se64offset | contains: Image: z, C: Window s System32 wbem WMIC .exe, NewP rocessName : C: Windo ws System3 2 wbem WMI C.exe, Ori ginalFileN name: C: Wi ndows Syst em32 wbem WMIC .exe, ParentComm and line: c omuterdef aults.exe, ParentIma ge: C: Win dows Syste m32 Comput erDefaults .exe, Pare ntProcessI d: 6192, P rocessComm andLine: ‘ C: Windows system32 wbem wmic. exe ‘process ss call cr eate’ vssa dmin.exe D elete Shad ows / all / quiet ‘, Pr ocessId: 6 440
Source: Process st arted
Author: vburov : data: Comm and :, Com mandLine: , CommandL ine | base64 offset | con contains :, I mage: C: W indows Sys tem32 svch ost.exe, N ewProcessN ame: C: Wi ndows Syst em32 svcho st.exe or iginalFile Name: C: W indows Sys tem32 svch ost. exe, P arentComma ndLine: ‘C : Users us er Desktop 7906dc47_ by_Librana lysis.exe’ , ParentI < wbr> mage: C: U sers user Desktop 79 06dc47_by_ Libranalys is.exe, Pa rentProces sId: ProcessCo mmandLine: 5008, , process ID : 2996>
Source: 7906dc47_b y_Libranal ysis.exe
Total Viruses: Detected: 42%
Perma C: Users u ser Deskto p 7906dc47 _by_Libran Analysis link