Approved: Fortect
If your system is 0x1104 due to a client code protocol error, this user guide can help you. Due to a protocol error commonly found on the client (code 0x1104), this session is disconnected – only on certain connections, everything from the office to the server is often caused by misconfigured system settings or irregular sales lists in the Windows registry.
special solution for RDP errors: This session has been disconnected due to client type protocol error 0x1104. loading = “lazy” size = “(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” src = “×80 .png “srcset =” https: / /×80.png 300w, / 08 / image001. Png 572w “>
Two strategies for solving the problem:
1. In the RD client settingsP uncheck the Experience tab (see screenshot below).
Suitable for users:
2. If you trust your RDP server to a non-standard port (for example, port 443-https), it is possible than another application. Cation is seriously fighting for the same port.
In this case … you need to determine which port assigned by RDP (443 in my example) is being used on your current server. To do this, the following steps will help you:
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

– Open the last command prompt window. From the Start / Run menu, type: cmd
– At the command prompt, type:
netstat -ano
– Find the PID indicating connection usage 443: loading = “lazy” size = “(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” src = “https: // www .joe0 .com / wp-content / uploads / 2013/08 / 8-23-2013-5-57-19-AM-300×11.jpg “srcset =” uploads / 2013/08 / 8-23-2013-5-57-19-AM-300×11.jpg 300 W, -19-AM.jpg 546w “>
– Highlight the PID, then load Tcpview and even tcpview run.exe. You will find out which application you supportt your RDP port.
In my case, I was able to detect that Skype is trying to start its service on port 443: loading = “lazy” size = “(max width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” src = “https: //×63.jpg “srcset =” https: //www.joe0. com / wp-content / uploads / 2013/08 / 8-23-2013-5-57-59-AM-300×63.jpg 300 W, https: // www. joe0 .com / wp-content / uploads / 2013/08 / 8-23 -2013-5-57-59-AM.jpg 943w “>
– The solution in this situation would be to completely close Skype. Or just or temporarily disable / uninstall Skype.
You can also do this from tcpview: loading = “lazy” size = “(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” src = “ wp-content / uploads / 2013/08 / 8-23-2013-6-06-00-AM-300×85.jpg “srcset =” https: // www.joe0. com / wp-content / uploads / 2013/08 / 8-23-2013-6-06-00-AM-300×85.jpg 300 W, / 08 / 8-23-2013-6-06 -00-AM.jpg 679w “>
Let me know when this is done.
Tracking might be a solution for RDP errors: due to a protocol error that was encountered with the exact client code 0x1104, this session is disconnected. loading = “lazy” size = “(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” src = “×80 .png “srcset =” 2013/08 / image001-300×80.png 300w, /08/image001.png 572w “>
1. In the RDP client assembly, uncheck the “Experience” button ( m. screenshot below).
This is a good solution for people:
2. If you are using your RDP device on a non-standard port (eg prt 443-https), then it is possible that another program is fighting for an existing port.
In this case, you need to… ™ still think about what our own designated RDP port (eg 443 my last example) is using on your server. To do this, the following steps will help you:
is an open windshield for the command line. At startup / run, enter: cmd
– At the command prompt, enter:
netstat -ano
– Find the PID that indicates using port 443: loading = “lazy” size = “(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” src = “https: // www.joe0. com / wp-content / uploads / 2013/08 / 8-23-2013-5-57-19-AM-300×11.jpg “srcset =” / uploads / 2013 / 08 / 8-23-2013-5-57-19-AM-300×11.jpg 300 W, 2013-5 – 57-19-AM.jpg 546w “>
– Highlight the PID, then load Tcpview and tcpview run.exe. You will notice which application is occupying your RDP port.
Onin case I can see Skype is definitely trying to execute its forwarding service 443: loading = “lazy” size = “(max- Width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” src = “https: // www / wp-content / uploads / 2013/08 / 8-23-2013-5-57-59-AM-300×63. Jpg “srcset =” https: //www.joe0. com / wp-content / uploads / 2013/08 / 8-23-2013-5-57-59-AM-300×63.jpg 300 W, -content / uploads / 2013/08 / 8-23- 2013-5-57-59-AM.jpg 943w “>
– The solution in this case would be to help you completely disconnect it from Skype. Or in layman’s terms Or temporarily disable / uninstall Skype.
While you are in tcpview, you can also run: loading = “lazy” size = “(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” src = “ /wp-content/uploads/2013/08/8-23-2013-6-06-00-AM-300×85.jpg “srcset =” https: // www / wp-content / uploads / 2013 / 08 / 8-23-2013-6-06-00-AM-300×85.jpg 300W, 2013/08 / 8-23-2013-6- 06-00-AM.jpg 679w “>
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On the firewall side, make sure your firewall is up to date and definitely up to date, and that you have configured client routes and IP address. Make sure your firewall can connect to the private server. You can also try to remove all checkboxes when calculating experience in the RDP client settings.
Improving Windows.Antivirus.Public network profile.Change your software settings.Check your permissions.Allow remote connections to PC.Reset your login information.Check the reputation of the RDP services.
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a little-known Microsoft protocol that allows you to remotely connect to different computersm, usually via TCP port 3389.