If you get an error code on your computer with the BIOS sound card enabled, you should read these repair tips.
Approved: Fortect
g.Go to the BIOS Advanced section. To access this Built-in or Device Configuration option, hold down the Enter key. Sound settings are usually located directly under the “Audio Controller” or other similar sound system. Press Enter to enable or disable the corresponding audio setting.
g. g.
How do I disable the onboard sound card in BIOS?
Always right-click the internal sound card, then select the Disable option from the text menu. Close Device Manager.
One page C. The motherboard supports audio through the built-in sound card and / or possibly an optional sound card. Those that may contain a sound chip usually have an extension to allow for a truly more powerful sound card. When the card was installed, the built-in bits were disabled to avoid disputes, or automatically at the time By installing the card, or by manually disabling the built-in signal through the BIOS program. If the expansion card fails, you can still use the built-in sound type, but you need to re-enable it.
Remove optional SD sound card if installed. Many motherboards will automatically disable onboard audio when another audio track device is detected, remove it, and can automatically restore onboard audio. For desktops, just open it up and gently remove the sound card from the card slot; This card can be secured with a screw or retaining clips. Laptops may have an extension cable or possibly a USB sound card or device that needs to be removed.
Why is the onboard audio disabled on my Nvidia card?
g.Nvidia chipsets and ATI video cards are never a strong combination, the sound on the video card triggers the onboard device, your only settings are Auto (if another sound card is detected, this option will usually disable the card) and Disabled (always disabled) ATI card has a 3rd option Enabled (even though the sound card is frequently recognized, the onboard card works).
Restart your computer and check the BIOS by pressing the hotkey during system startup. A shortcut key indication is usually displayed on the home screen, for example “Press XXX to open the setting.” Common hotkeys are F2, f1, Del, Esc, and F10.
Find the section that describes the sound on the ship. Maybe in mMenu “Advanced”, “Peripherals” or “Built-in Peripherals” and then the menu “Built-in Audio”, “Sound …” or something like that.
Select & “save exit” to save the system and restart. Your computer is probably using the F10 key to leave it and exit the program. If the driver is usually not installed, Windows 8 will find the correct driver by itself. If that fails, you can find it by inserting the “drivers” from your computer disc into your CD / DVD drive and manually loading the driver. You can also download and run the drivers from the manufacturer’s website.
S. Taylor began a new writing career in 2009 and continues to write about technology, science, business, finance, martial arts and nature. He publishes online and offline publications such as Journal of Asian Martial Arts, Samsung, Radio Shack, Motley Fool, Chron, Synonym, and more. He received an MS in wildlife biology from Clemson and a BS from Charleston College. In fact, he has secondary subjects in statistics, physics visually combines with art.
With the advancement of motherboard technology and, in particular, chipsets, your motherboard usually supports the Soundback chipset. The audio solution offered on board often includes full surround sound with support for up to 7.1 speakers without the need for an additional sound card. However, if you want to use your onboard sound, you need to enable sound in BIOS, the firmware that controls your PC’s traditional configuration settings. Upon activation in the BIOS, the operating system automatically installs the drivers required to fully utilize the speaker and headphone configurations.
Does my motherboard have onboard sound?
All motherboards on the market come with sound cards or onboard audio. The problem is that sometimes motherboards need to be small enough to accommodate your technology and have limited space for a deep board. Therefore, embedded audio may not provide the same sound quality as a dedicated sound card.
Turn on your computer and wait for it to display publishing information on startup. The Release Notes include information such as the typical BIOS version your system is running on and the amount of memory provided. Wait for the computer to display a message asking you to press a specific new key to enter the created BIOS. Usually the keys are “F1”, “F2” or “Delete”.
Can a sound card be disabled in BIOS?
Most onboard sound cards can be enabled or disabled in the BIOS. This is how you access the BIOS or CMOS setup. Once this option has been confirmed to be enabled or included in the BIOS setup, make sure the stop is working properly.
Click the buttondirections and wait a bit until the BIOS setup menu finally loads.
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Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Use the arrow keys on your home keyboard to navigate the main BIOS menu to highlight and select most of the Advanced submenus. In Advanced, select Integrated devices, then find Onboard audio. Press the + button to change the setting to Enabled, then press F10 to save your selection and exit the BIOS.
Restart your computer in network mode. Once Windows starts, it enters device discovery mode and installs an authorized driver for your new audio device. Usually let the system connect to the network in order to install the latest driver for your chip’s sound. A system reboot may be required to activate all functions. If so, let them help you and use your new device like any installed music card.
Should I disable onboard sound card?
Sometimes the motherboard BIOS even automatically interrupts the onboard audio. This is not considered acceptable.It is sufficient, and we strongly do not recommend just disabling it in the device manager – it needs to be disabled in the BIOS, and in some cases even a number of settings need to be changed.
Larry Simmons thinks that you are just a freelance writer and expert in the alliance of information technology and business. He has a bachelor’s degree in economics, a master’s degree in information systems, and a master’s degree in science. in communicationsoftware, as well as important work towards an MBA in finance. He has published hundreds of articles for Demand Studios.
Speed up your computer's performance now with this simple download.How do I enable onboard sound in BIOS?
Go to the Advanced BIOS section. If that works, you can select Onboard or Device Setup by pressing Enter. The location of the sound is usually found in the “Audio Controller” section, possibly another similar setting related to sound. Press Enter to turn the current pitch setting on or off.
How do I disable the onboard sound card in BIOS?
Go to BIOS setup and just disable the onboard sound. If playing with BIOS settings seems intimidating to you, just turn off HD sound in Device Manager (right click >> Disable). Then restart Windows.
Do motherboards have sound cards built in?
All motherboards on the market come with built-in sound cards or built-in songs. The problem is that motherboards, which have to be small enough to fit in a tower, have limited audio receiving space. Consequently, onboard audio is unlikely to provide the same audio superiority as a good dedicated card.