Approved: Fortect
If you receive an error message about loading Bios vt6421a, this user manual is here to help you.

Various Win95 files and the like:
Over 6421 SATA Charging Cards are a popular and inexpensive way to expand SATA.Drives to the IDE system. So far SATA to IDE SATA converter. can connectFrom peripherals to existing controllers, IDE cards offer a number of benefits:
– Adds LBA48 compatibility with older motherboards.
– Adds SATA compatibility to new floors that are unknown. featureSATA compatible chipset.
– Adds eSATA based on the best card.
The best thing about these cards, maybe I can take them with with Windows 95 with all drivers provided by VIA!
There is a small point for installing VT6421, the driver of the RAID controllerunder Win95. Windows 95 considers the card to be the absolute class of the hard disk controller,while Windows 98 / ME treats it as a SCSI controller class. As a result Win95thinks the INF file may contain the wrong drivers.
To mount standroid Win9x driver unchanged, add this special drivermanually by starting the Add New Hardware Wizard from the control paneland make sure you are not looking for new material. In the list of typesselect the hardware “SCSI Controller”. For a list of known drivers, see Have Disk.and navigate to the Win9x driver file ViaRaid. So get yoursspecific (VIA VT6421 Raid Controller card). Continue in the wizardwill copy and install motorists, but they are not mapped yetwith a memory card.
Then find the 6421 card in Device Manager. He has abilities, probablyas an indication of an “unknown device”. Open the driver properties and clickUpdate your driver. Select a driver from the item, then click Next.then immediately look at “Back”. You will now see a list of electronic types.Select a SCSI controller, then “map multiple hardware”. Select VIA from 6421Test this list and you’re done.
Or, alternatively, edit the INF file to set “Class = hdc”. Lineactually already there, it’s just that everything is correctcommented. Uncomment this andComment out your “Class = SCSIAdapter”.
Original page:
A common drawback of the VIA 6421 video cards I tested is that theyall seem to ship with older BIOS versions. Although theyworks, you see, BIOS 4.x still clearly shows the target “For RAID”If you want to install a RAID driver for a standard Linux partition, DO NOT NEED!Use the OPROM creation operation! “When the engine starts.
After researching a seemingly eternal search in the right order and then reading the reviewto report that it was not even possible, I finally found a BIOS update toolFlash the microcircuit using this method.
Please note that some Via 6421 based cards usually do not come with a BIOS chip, which can be found on all.and others may have EPROMs that are not recognizedFirmware utility. Even though this chip is built on a sensible motherboard, you should of coursePlease use your motherboard manufacturer’s BIOS update program.
Alternative BIOS for Memphis:
It is more butnew BIOS, which fixes compatibility with many newWestern Digital Drives, among many other fixes. It’s a customBIOS from Memphis. See for more details (if you can easily readHere in Russian).
Please note that this version is always newer and fixes many more bugs than 5.20.Version or standard product 4.95 although the version number is “4.94+”
Memphis BIOS with Flash-Util 3.0+. April release version13 plus 2012 and a few additional fixes.
Please note that this is newer and fixes more bugs than BIOS 5.20. | |
As a rule, to the originalMemphis version:
- The beep that was configured when the drive was not connected has been removed. this isrestores the usability of a dedicated eSATA card to fully removable media. Most
- fixed incorrectly translated English version from VIA.
Rosewill Bios 5.20:
This is the BIOS update for Rosewill 6421 SATA cards.I tested this with several branded S cardsyba and branded Tarot PPA cards andseemed to work. This BIOS will be cleared by a Linux warning message. .A sourcePage? :
The described bios flasher apparently only works with SST49LF020, SST49LF020A,and BIOS chip W49V002A (this variation is usually recorded in the BIOS time chipglued with a sticker). Manufacturers don’t know which chip they havecontain. You can use the stylus utility 3.0+ from the above quick and learn a lot more tokens.
Old 6421 just via BIOS:
If you want to make a map expensive with the old version, this is exactly the case.several archived versions.
There is a mismatch problem between the Via 6421 chipset and. knownsome Western Digital Blue SATA drives (noted in at least some manufactured in 2011)320/500 GB), which can result in excessive transmission delays and crashes.Under NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 Windows is likely to encounter many hard disk system the event log. This affects Western Digital players, and so does me.this was especially the case with the 2.5-inch Hitachi 320 GB drive.
Formally, our readers are to blame, but apparently not.This drive is unlikely to cause problems with most other SATA controllers.The manufacturers will surely fix this problem.
This issue may be a “fixed” PCI register setting in this 6421 controller.
This fix is also included in the specified Linux kernels, so Linux is not satisfactory.This.
This issue can also be worked around manually using another WPCREDIT to set bit 2 of PCI register 0x52 of 6421 (fromZero) if you want “1”.
Rx52 [2] is an inherent adaptation of the 128DW FIFO flow control.Engine watermark enable bit and default 0 is approaching host, HOLD will be displayedtransmitted to the userThe device when the left FIFO size is less than 32 DW. Installed in1 make a 64DW watermark.
If your business plan uses external eSATA devices with 9 drive letters assignedthere may be a situation. Connecting a drive can cause its own letters to shift. ElementaryPoints are earned by the first cover letters so that readers can be recognized.through the BIOS, then the extended partitions in the disk group are recognizedaccording to BIOS.
One way to work around this issue is to use the specific 6421 card, which is notBIOS (these cards are not bootable and cannot be used under DOS). Advantagesince DOS does not see it, the drive letter is not “docked”and Windows can assign any disk document to it, just like a USB stick.
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Another way to solve the problem is to put the entire partition on removable media.A disk inside an extended partition. Thus, the one on the partition will be removable.The drive is indeed given a drive letter after all these partitionsfirst trip.
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