Approved: Fortect
Here are some simple steps that can help you troubleshoot AIX processor core usage.
CPU usage is usually a simple percentage of CPU time spent on inactive tasks. But this is a bit general. In every modern operating system, the CPU actually spends time in two completely different modes: in kernel mode, the code shipped to the market has full and unrestricted access to the underlying hardware.
What causes excessive kernel usage in AIX 6.1?
We are using AIX 6.1 for this element and our ERP is Pronto Xi. User-level CPU usually stays at 90%, but kernel utilization can be as high as 70%. My feeling is that there is usually a bunch of configurations that add general overhead and cause these delays.
Hello everyone, I waited a very long time, unfortunately this is my first post.
The AIX kernel is truly the heart (central core) of a production system. He completely controls every step that takes place in the system. The kernel can be compared to the case-sensitive kernel (ksh, bash, csh), which is the most external component of the operating system and covertly interacts with users using commands.
A few months ago, I started a new process with an AIX Personal Loan Box. I used to implement a lot of Debian and Red Variant Hut features, but this was my first AIX. This is the old box (Power4), which according to the experts, manages our ERP.
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Things have been going well for years now, and a few weeks ago we started polling him on our global e-commerce page.
It went well in support of the week, only in the last two or three years the server has been jammed. Shops are only open from Friday to Sunday. Once we open, wait for a few stores and the internet, the number of requests for the website will really skyrocket.
We useWe use AIX 6.1, and our ERP is Pronto Xi.
The user CPU is usually below 90%, but the overall kernel utilization is 70%. I feel like there are some configuration tweaks that add to our overhead and cause these delays.
———- Post updated at 11:01 ———- Previous new start was at 10:48 ———-
Check all supported processes associated with the application That is, and they all use more CPU by running the TOPAS command. Topas Acquire shows the CPU usage for each process creation. There are many great topas commands with which the sysadmin can finally check the CPU usage. This shows the use of RAM for each command.
Here is a picture of topaz taken this morning. It has an acceptable level of utilization, but the use of the banana kernel remains high.

Monitor Topas for host: weopronto EVENTS / QUEUES FILE / TTYMon Nov 18 10:00:24 AM 2013 Interval: 2 Cswitch 270 Readch 60.3M System Call 495.0k Writech 41711CPU User% Kern% Wait% Idle% Lectures 269.5k Rawin 172 45.0 55.0 0.0 0.0 Write 135 Ttyout 4801 10.5 74.5 0.5 14.5 fork 9 Igets 13 3.5 5.0 2.5 89.0 Managers appointed 3190 2.5 7.0 1.5 89.0 Queue 2.0 Dirblk 11662 Queue 0.0KBPS network I-Pack O-Pack KB-In KB-Out MEMORYTotal 8.6 25.5 19.5 1, 4 7.3 PAGING Actual MB 8192 Error 1367 PCT comp 23Disk busy% KBPS TPS KB Read KB Write stolen 0 p. c without comp. 76Total 6.0 76.0 18.0 8.0 68.0 PgspIn 3% buyer 0 PgspOut 0File system, KBPSTPS, KB-Read, KB-Write, Page in 2 PAGE SPACETotal 60.3K 269.4K 60.2K 33.6 Page Size 8 MB 3072 Used 10% Sios 5PID name% CPU PgSp Owner Free percentage 95pronto 1536442 24.9 0.6 in NFS (calls / sec.)prospl 1425648 20.5 0.4 tbarnidg SerV2 6 WPAR active 0ksh 1331 436 0.6 0.5 tbarnidg CliV2 0 total WPAR 0pronto 1528192 2 .4 1.0 bmccullo SerV3 4 Press: "h" -Helppronto 1696028 0.2 0.7 rjohnson CliV3 7 "q" -quittopas 537036 0.2 4.6 rootpronto 1507430 0.2 0.9 mroizumprospl 1589492 0.2 0.Rfbjone9Httpd half dozen 389362 0.1 0.7 t barnijGil 45088 0.0 0.1 Rootllbd 192962 0.0 0.5 rootglbd 176608 0.0 0.8 rootnmbd 201152 0.7 0.5 root4376 exchanger 0.0 0.1 roottcl 180656 0.0 59.0 rootrandom 135318 0.0 0.1 rootpronto 266 268 0.0 0.7 twassalli4llmd 205286 0.0 1.0 rooti4lmd 127414 0.0 1.2 Rootsendmail 98450 0.0 1.4 root
How to check CPU usage on AIX systems?
1. Running processes: check which onesThe processes associated with the applications are still running, and which are using much more CPU resources by running the TOPAS command. The Topas command allows you to control the processor for each process. There are many Topas commands that a sysadmin can use to check CPU usage.
Monitor Topas for host: weopronto EVENTS / QUEUES FILE / TTYMon 18 Nov 10:00:24 year 2013 Interval: 2 Cswitch 270 Readch 60.3M System Call 495.0k Writech 41711CPU User% Kern% Wait% Idle% Lectures 269.5k Rawin 172 45.0 55.0 0.0 0.0 Write 135 Ttyout 4801 10.5 74.5 0.5 14.5 fork 9 Igets 13 3.5 5.0 2.5 89.0 Named 319.end0 2.5 7.0 1.5 89.0 Queue 2.0 Dirblk 11662 Queue 0.0KBPS network I-Pack O-Pack KB-In KB-Out MEMORYTotal 8.6 25.5 19.5 1.4 7.3 PAGINGIn fact, MB 8192 Error 1367% comp 23Disk busy% KBPS TPS KB-Read KB-Writ Steals 0 percentage points Incomplete 76Total 6.0 76.0 18.0 8.0 68.0 PgspIn 4% buyers 0 PgspOut 0File System, KBPS TPS, KB Read, KB Write, Page in 2 PAGE SPACETotal 60.3K 269.4K 60.2K 33.6 Page Size 8 MB 3072 Used 10% Sios 5PID Name CPU% PgSp Owner pct Free 95pronto 1536442 24.9 0.6 in NFS (calls / sec.)prospl 1425648 20.5 0.4 tbarnidg SerV2 2 WPAR active 0ksh 1331 436 0.6 0.5 tbarnidg CliV2 0 WPAR total 0pronto 1528192 6 .4 1.0 bmccullo SerV3 1 Press: "h" Helppronto 1696028 0.2 0.7 rjohnson CliV3 9 "q" -quittopas 537036 0.2 4.6 rootpronto 1507430 0.2 0.9 mroizumprospl 1589492 0.2 0.Rfbjone9Httpd some 389362 0.1 0.7 tbarnidgeGil 45088 0.0 0.1 Rootllbd 192962 0.0 0.5 rootglbd 176608 0.0 0.8 rootnmbd 201152 0.5 root4376 exchanger 0.0 0.1 roottcl 180656 0.0 59.0 rootrandom 135318 0.0 0.1 rootpronto 266 268 0.0 0.7 twassalli4llmd 205286 0.0 1.0 rooti4lmd 127414 0.0 1.2 Rootsendmail 98450 0.0 1.4 root
The kernel will be responsible for low-level tasks such as interacting with hardware, allocating memory, exchanging data between operating system processes, launching device drivers, and managing this file system. Even the CPU scheduler, which in turn determines which process normally has access to the CPU, is executed by the kernel.
How does AIX calculate CPU usage?
How do I check CPU cores on AIX?
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