Approved: Fortect
If your machine displays db2 sql error sqlcode = -668 sqlstate = 57016 sqlerrmc = 7, you should refer to these troubleshooting tips.
ArkansasSQL DB2 error: SQLCODE: -cent four, SQLSTATE: 42601, SQLERRMC: database; BEGINNING OF THE APPLICATION;
[“Product”: “Code”: “SSEPGG”, “Label”: “Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows”, “Business Unit”: “Code”: “BU053”, “Label”: “Cloud and Data Platform “,” Component “:” Procedures (SP & UDF) – SQL “,” Platform “: [” code “:” PF002 “,” label “:” AIX “,” code “:” PF010 “,” label “: “HP-UX”, “code”: “PF016”, “label”: “Linux”, “code”: “PF027”, “label”: “Solaris”, “code”: “PF033”, “label”: “Windows”], “Version”: “10.1; 10.5; 9.5; 9.7”, “Revision”: “”, “Industry”: “code”: “LOB10” , “label”: “Data and therefore HAVE”]
If you subscribed to error SQL0668N with reason code ‘7’ while looking up a table, it means that the dining table is in a pending reorganization state. How do I provide the status of the table and identify this error?
$ db2 is defined in values test1 "(1,2,3)"
DB21034E The command appears to have been processed as an SQL statement because there is no
in the program. wasa valid command line processor for sale. Â The following data was returned during SQL processing:
Sql0668n  The operation was not permitted due to reason code '7' on machine 'DB2INST1.TEST1'.
SQL STATUS = 57016
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Some statements may contain REORG-recommended statements, such as ALTER TABLE … DROP COLUMN statements or multiple ALTER TABLE … ADD COLUMN statements. Whether this will move the table into a pending reorganization state.
Identify The Problemmu
To make sure the table is awaiting reorganization, you can do the following:
$ db2 "SELECT REORG_PENDING FROM SYSIBMADM.ADMINTABINFO where And tabschema = 'db2inst1' tabname = 'TEST1'"
1 record (s) selected.
Resolve The Problem
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