Windows Diary

I am eating Windows Server 2003 with 4 bytes on a free system disk.

delete windows 2003 service pack uninstall files

I’m not going to remove any service packs or modifications. M How can I safely remove $ NtServicePackUninstall $ and $ NtUninstallkb from the Windows folder?

The Answers

delete windows 2003 service pack uninstall files

Yes, you can delete the corresponding $ ntuninstall folders, except for this Th template $ hf_mig $. These folders are created after the update / patch using the installed uninstall files, which could otherwise be very easily removed. add uninstaller or ccleaner. If you are sure (which is very likely) that you cannot rollback these types of updates, delete the files when it is safe to do so. I deleted these file types on my domain and found no problem.



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