Approved: Fortect
If you receive a “dependency file not found” error code, today’s tutorial was created to help you. If Trados Studio displays the message “The dependency file is not only found”, it means that it should contain the source files, but it is “lost”. You can still continue working with the text, but some file operations are not available (in Selection, Save Target As, Preview, Create Target Translations, etc.).
Dependency File Not Found
Posted by Mats Dannewitz Linder, Feb 18, 2016
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If your company opens a partially translated file for further translation, it may receive an error message “Dependency file not found” with the specific question “Do you want this process after [ie -d. H. source file]? â €.
If you include the original source file, the easiest way is to answer yes to the thought in the error message and find each of our source files. But if you are using a project package, you usually do not have all the source files included. There are two ways to do it:
- Close the forecast in Studio. Go to the TM project (where all your translations are stored) and rename it (or simulate it elsewhere if you really want to be sure). Open another .sdlproj file again (i.e. recreate the Endeavor scratch). Then change the project location to use your “old” TM instead of the new one, and do my batch job of pre-translating the files. (Whatever you do, don’t just reopen the project package without protecting your TM, because the generated TM will overwrite today’s TM with the same name and one person will lose all your work.)
- Another concept in both cases (unnumbered project package) is to ignore the request for the source file and return a question with a “No answer” error. You can then process the translation as usual, but you cannot save the target as, complete, generate target translations, or generate a preview. On the other hand, you can make sure the TM you created is complete. that is, it does not use unconfirmed or untranslated segments.
Once you’ve applied it, you can start from scratch by implementing the TM you just created. Or, in the case of a project package, follow the above procedure.
I existt and other methods of treatment, mainly recovering dependency files or recovering .sdlxliff files, although they seem unnecessarily complicated and not entirely reliable to me.
According to KB 3897 (see below), a dependency file is generated “if the source file is too large to fit in the .sdlxliff file” and then the “dependency file” usually creates a link to the actual file. The dependency file is saved as the latest temporary file (.temp). However, some debug / diagnostic programs will delete all .temp files unless otherwise noted (you need to figure out how to do this yourself). There may also be times when the Windows hibernation feature helps, in which case a specific power setting must be disabled.
Approved: Fortect
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You can also configure Studio options that control the values file that results in the creation of Obsession files. Go to Files> Options> File Types> SDLXLIFF – General and move the rule under Embed to Maximum (100MB). Why go delinquent value 20 and mb, would this override have any negative impact? I do not discriminate. (Thanks to Walter Blaser for this p Solution.)
There are two entries in the SDL knowledge base that address this issue:
The latter describes (in resolution) how to recreate the .File, sdlxliff, which may be a personal option. However, it is not primarily intended for the case where the when dependency file is manually lost and the when clause .sdlxliff is corrupted for some reason.
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