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- “What is Cg? “Introduces the cg programming language.
- Vertices, Fragments, and Each of Our Graphics Pipelines describes streaming data from the perspective of modern graphics hardware and explains how Cg fits into that streaming data.
- Historical Cg Development provides general information on the development of Cg.
- The Cg Environment explains how applications use Cg programs through the Cg runtime and existing interfaces.Programming of 3D applications (API).
1.1 What Cg?
In this book, you will learn how to implement the Cg programming language. The Cg language allows you to control shape, appearance, and movement, usually associated with objects drawn with a programmable graphics hardware. It combines software control of these attributes with the incredible speed and capabilities of modern GPUs. Computer images, whether artists or programmers, have never had much control over the real-time images they achieve.
Cg offers developers a comprehensive and easy-to-use programming platform to quickly create immersive real-time cinematic experiences across multiple channels. By providing a new level of abstraction, Cg removes the need for developers to help directly program the system language of graphics hardware such as OpenGL, DirectX, Windows, Linux, Macintosh OS X, and therefore platforms such as Xbox. Cg was developed in tightlym collaboration with Microsoft Corporation and is compatible with both the Precise OpenGL API and Microsoft’s High Level Shading Language (HLSL) for DirectX 9.0.
Cg for will be “C for graphics”. The “C” programming language is likely to be a popular universal language invented in the 1970s. Due to its popularity and scrub-like design, C became the basis for several later programming languages. For example, C ++ and also Java are largely based on their C syntactic structure. Cg itself is also based on C. If you are familiar with C or familiar with one of the many derived C languages, Cg should be easy to learn.
On the other hand, if you are not familiar with C programming languages or even Militar, but love computer graphics and want to learn something new, keep reading. Computer graphics programs are usually short and straightforward.
Most of this chapter provides basic knowledge, which in turn provides valuable context for understanding and using these chapters effectively. On the other hand, it may be easier for you to learn Cg. You can skip Chapter 2 at any time, though,according to the instructions, it will be more convenient for you to dive.
1.1.1 Graphics Hardware Programming Language
Cg is different from C, C ++ and simply because Java is very specialized. No one will ever write a computer graphics spreadsheet using a word processor. Instead, Cg refers to the ability to programmatically control the look, feel, and movement of objects when rendering graphics. In general, this type of language is called the shading language behind the language. However, Cg can do more than just shading. For example, cg programs can perform physics simulations, composition, and other tasks without shading.
Think of the new Cg program as a detailed recipe for rendering an object by trying out the programmable graphics hardware. For example, you can write a Cg program very well to create a new jagged surface or virtually animate this shape. Later, in section 1.3, you will learn more about history, as well as shading languages and the exact place of Cg in history.
1.1.2 CGS data flow model
Pomimo working with graphics, Cg and many other language nuances differ from traditional development languages, since they are based on a specific model for calculating data flow. In such a copy, the calculation is performed in response to data that has gone through a series of refinement stages.
Cg programs work with vertices and parts (think pixels if you don’t know what a fragment is) that can be processed when rendering an image. Imagine a Cg program in the form of a black box, in which fragments of vertices flow from one side, transform in some way, and as a result flow to the other side. However, this field is not actually white, because you can use any computer graphics programs you send to write what exactly is going on there.
When you simply process a vertex while rendering a 3D scene, or the rasterizer generates for each chunk, a new corresponding cg program or vertex chunk is executed. Section 1.3 explains the data flow of the Cg model in more detail.
New PCs – and completely newFor a long time, all game consoles contain a graphics processing unit (GPU) dedicated to graphics tasks such as converting and rasterizing 3D models. Your Cg software applications actually run on the GPUs of these computers.
1.1.3 GPU Specialization and CPU Generalization
Regardless of whether a PC or a game program has a GPU, there must be a real CPU that the operating system is running on, as well as application programs. Processors are inherently routine targets. Processors run applications (for direct communication, processors, and accounting packages) written in general-purpose languages such as C ++ or Java.
Due to the special design of the GPU, it is significantly faster than the general-purpose processor for graphics tasks such as creating 3D scenes. New GPUs process tens of vertices per second and thousands of millions, if not billions of parts per second. Future GPUs will be even faster. This is much faster than the exact speed at which the processor could project the analog.the total number of vertices and fragmented sentences. However, the GPU cannot run the usual arbitrary general-purpose programs that the CPU can execute.
The specialized, high-performance nature of the GPU is what gives Cg its very existence. General-purpose programming languages are too open for specialized vertex and fragment processing tasks. On the other hand, Cg is all about this important task. Cg also provides an abstract plan execution that matches the overall performance of the GPU model. Refer to Section 1.2 for more information on the unique configuration of GPU models.
1.1.4 Reason for Cg Benefits
To support the dream of interactivity, a 3D application must support an animation speed of approximately 15 frames per second. In general, we think of 60 frames per second or more as “real time”, the speed that is usually seen in interactive applications seems to be hefty.nods immediately. An additional million pixels can be redrawn on a computer screen. When it comes to photographs, the GPU usually processes every pixel on the screen.
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