Approved: Fortect
Sometimes your computer may display a message that dllregisterserver failed with xp code. There can be many reasons for this error to occur.
How do I fix DLLRegisterserver not found?
When registering a DLL file on the command line, many users get the error “The module was loaded, but the DLLRegist entry pointserver not found.” Do not worry. MiniTool explores several effective ways to solve the problem.
How do I fix DLLRegisterserver not found?
Open an elevated command prompt. DLLRegisterster errors are common when users don’t use regsvr32 at an elevated command prompt.Copy my OCX to SysWow64 folder.Edit the real registry.Disable third-party anti-malware utilities.
How To Automatically Fix BSOD Failed Dllregisterserver With Error Code 0x80040201?
If you are suffering from a demoralizing BSOD Failed dllregisterserver with error code 0x80040201, you should not think that your computer is faulty. In fact, only one problem is adware protecting your computer. Luckily, eradicating this pest is not overwhelming. You can automatically fix a DllRegisterServer BSOD failure with one of our 0x80040201 error codes by running registration with Reimage or by spending more time manually troubleshooting. Instructions are listed below; For more information about the DllRegisterServer BSOD failure, see this article.
There Is A Specific Solution When A Call To DllRegisterServer Fails.
Use my Regsvr32.exe tool to register and unregister OLE controls, including .dll and .ocx files, which in turn self-register. Regsvr432.exe utilityincluded with all versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or later, Windows 95 OEM Service Unveiling 2 or later, Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 5 or later. It is, of course, also installed on a system with Windows ME, Windows 98, or Windows 95; also in the System32 folder for Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 6.
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Easy Guide To Fix Registry Error Code 0x80020009:
The above methods helped you easily fix Windows Registry Error with code 0x80020009. Carefully follow the steps of each method to fix the error in less time. Your comments are below. Thank you for visiting Windows Jet.
Speed up your computer's performance now with this simple download.How do I fix regsvr32 the module failed to load?
Failed to load module “”%1″”.nn Verify that the binary is currently located at the specified path, or debug it for issues with binary or dependent .dll files that need to be investigated.nn %2.
How do I fix a DLL file that won’t Register?
Locate the extracted directory and double-click the !RUNME file. A command prompt window will now open and will definitely start restoring the file and registry permissions of the PC to a known state. Please be patient as the order may take some time. After the command completes, try registering the database DLL again.
What is DllRegisterServer error code 0x80004001?
The ieframe.dll module was passed in, but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80004001. More information about this issue can be found online using the full error code as a search term. For consumers who don’t know what “regsvr32” is, it is a program or executable in Microsoft Windows that is used to register DLL files on the system.