If you’re getting DNS error 4004 on your computer, we hope this guide can help you fix it.
Approved: Fortect
This DNS server uses Active Directory information for this zone and ultimately cannot load the zone without it. Make sure Active Directory is working correctly, but re-number the zone.
My DNS server was up and running yesterday. I noticed that some devices are unable to view, so I tried to test my DNS server successfully because people responded that the DNS server could not be contacted. I tried to copy the reason for the prompts, but the server could not be contacted at all.I ran nslookup but most of the internet IP requests are timed as wellThe DNS server itself cannot start the Internet.I tried again the next morning without successI’ve tried everything too and now I’ve come to an endI copied the cache from System 32, the game did not workI deleted the zone and recreated the role, but it’s still the samethe server name allows this and client systems can ping everythingbut no one on my network wants to connect to the internetplease someone useful information please help methanks a lot
It looks like your personal DNS server is having connection problems. Can clients check if the DNS server is connected and does it actually have access to the Internet?
Ping the IP address of the DNS server ( is another easy one to remember) and if you see it, you get the result.
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.
The server is not broken. So I don’t want to do anything important, like install and remove DNS.
This domain has ONE domain with two NICs and does all the functions, DHCP, DNS, Internet gateway, etc., DNS
The site was unable to add or create an update for the ds domain name in the DS.IMC2.COM zone in Active Directory. Make sure Active Directory is working correctly and add or update this domain username in the DNS console. Longest error Debug information (which may be empty) will look like “”. These events will contain all errors.
every 6 minutes (TTL?) or own rash, good 5 or later 4004:
The DNS server was unable to move the directory service out of the enumeration zone. This DNS server is configured to use facts and policies receivedx from Active Directory for this level, and will not be able to load the region without them. Make sure Active Directory works correctly and repeats the enumeration of most sections. Extended error debugging resources (which can be empty): “”. The circumstance data contains an error.
The server, the dynamic naming service, encountered a critical error in its primary Active Directory. Make sure Active Directory is working properly. Extended monitoring debug information can often be “” (which can be empty). These events contain an error.
I have Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 which generates the following error:
The DNS hosting was unable to complete the enumeration of referral sites for the DOMAINNAME.local zone. [The actual domain label is displayed in the text zone.DOMAINNAME.local]. This DNS server is configured to use reports from Active Directory for this sector and will not be able to load the region without it. Make sure Active Directory is working correctly and re-enumerate most of the zones. Extended debug information and facts (which may be empty) are “”. Opportunity dates containingt mistake.
*** Provided by TechSoEasy ***
You can also find an identical error message at http: Q_23024027.html, but only post all comments in this request.
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