Approved: Fortect
This user manual is written to help you if you get the dos boot disk command error code.
Note. While this tip works with Windows 95,You will be in. For more information, see the ARCHIVED Knowledge Base document: On Windows 95, 98, or Me, where can I create a bootable disk (System Restore)?
If you are using Windows 3.1, uninstall Windows. When you runWindows 95, do this so you can display the command prompt in MS-DOS.
To create a boot floppy, insert the floppy into the boot floppy andAt the command line C: >
Replace a: a:
with b:
if this is your personal floppy drive. B:
To use a floppy disk, it hasIt is not formatted but contains data inWhen prompted, enter C: >
sys a:
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Replace a:
with b:
if this is your best floppy drive. B:
It will be deleted, unlike all data on the floppy disk. sys
commandcreate a boot floppy by copying the msdos.sys
file,Video io.sys
on floppy diskHDD.
To create a floppy disk, you can start your computer in an emergency.Emergency situation, copy the following information and facts onto a floppy disk. c: dos
(or c: windows command
in caseWindows 95):
If your current DOS version is prior to 6.0, you shoulda small text editor, then on a floppy disk. Multiple editorsavailable at:
Named Emergency Files autoexec.bat
and config.sys
usingnext content:
- autoexec.bat:
echo off fast $ p $ g - config.sys:
device = hiem.sys device = emm386.exe / noemas back = high
Help put the rescue disk on the same hard disk that it can be used on.K. This avoids all the problems associated with starting the user’s computer with the extension. developThe DOS version is different from the hard disk version. VIn addition, you should check for viruses before creating the floppy disk.
This content was recently archived and is no longer supported by Indiana University. The information here may be incorrect and the links may not be available or reliable.
Note. The software shown here is unlikely to be used incommon use in IU, UITS and can no longer be testedThe accuracy of this text; In addition, the UITS Support Center cannotno longer has the necessary materials to adequately support this software.
We looked at internal DOS commands last night. Commands
These are contained in COMMAND.COM and are loaded during sequence training. For this reason, a portion of DOS’s limited memory is dedicated to supporting internal commands. OuchThere are obviously some commands that do not need to be loaded into memory on every boot because they are rarely or rarely used, perhaps because they are almost always large and take up a lot of space. Commands These are saved like other files in your C: DOS directory. (Usually the default is C: DOS, but during a specific installation, you can specify a specific other directory.) Let’s take a look at these alternate commands:
Add | Assign | attrib | Save |
chkdsk | command | comp | dblspace |
debug | defragmentation | deloldos | deltree |
diskcomp | diskcopy | doskey | Dosshell |
change | emm386 | exe2bin | develop |
fasthelp | fastopen | fc | fdisk |
find | format | grafabl | graphics |
help | him < / td> | interlnk | intersvr |
join | keyb | label | mem |
memmaker | mirror | mode | plus |
msav | msbackup | mscdex | msd |
nlsfun c | Power | Replace | |
Restore | Scandisk | select | setver |
share | s locate | subst | sys |
tree structure | restore | format < / td> | vsafe |
xcopy | Â | Â | Â |
Please note that you can find all of these files on one computer and you will never find them. It depends on the version of DOS you have installed. In some cases, Microsoft replaced one file with another in later versions. An example of this is CHKDSK (that is, Check Disk). This name outlived the latest version of Windows NT, but in later versions of DOS (and Windows) this program / applet was replaced by the program / applet after SCANDISK. So think of it as selling one of the files that someone might find on your computer. You also have some that aren’t on this list. Also note that future programs will sometimes install files here in the DOS directory. In particular, Windows 3.x put several of its files in this directory list and from time to time updated the versions originally installed by DOS. This may complicate the article a little, but the basic filesThey and how they work are still included in the plan we are going to talk about. File
So, one thing is very important, although it is often not a DOS command, it is a copy of the BASIC in question. In previous DOS versions it was called GWBASIC,
, and in embedded versions it was called QBASIC. One of the important physics commands, EDIT, is actually a BASIC computer program that will only work if BASIC is currently installed. This is important to remember if you are preparing a DOS rescue boot disk.
Extensions, Help And Related Files
External batch files have track extensions. This can usually be * .EXE or * .COM. * .EXE file. This is called an executable file. This is usually a file compiled to run as a program. Today almost all Windows programs are launched from a specific * .EXE file. Another guy. * .COM is without a doubt the original “Dot Com”. This is the command word for the file. One of the few such computers is * .SYS, which are personal system files, such as the IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS documents, which we discussed in Lesson 2. File The next type isAn * .OVL file is produced, which should tell you the overlay. This file is mainly provided with backup programs.
Often these external files will almost certainly be accompanied by help files. Help to have files with * .HLP extension. If owners have a dual-boot system with DOS and Windows, all Windows * .HLP files can be opened using the built-in Help File Viewer.
Rescue Boot Disk
One of the things that everyone who trains on DOS or higher does.
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Insert the CD into your computer.Click Start and select Run.Type “cmd” and press “Enter”.Type “x:” and press “Enter” replacing “x” with the letter of your CD-ROM drive.Type everything up to “dir” and press “Enter” to view all files on the CD.
In Windows, hold down the Shift key and select the Restart option from the Start menu or from this logon screen. Your computer will reboot into the boot options menu. Select the ‘Use“Name Device” on this screen, and your company can select a device to boot, such as a USB device, DVD, or network boot.