Approved: Fortect
If you have the drupal reinstall module installed on your computer, this article should help you fix it.
Installing Modules With Drush¶
For advanced users familiar with the buy line, you can installand also activate the components withdrash team. hypeThe command you plan to connect to your server via SSH. For moreFor more information, see Managing applications from the command line. to installThe module that runs Drush:
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Remove The Module Code From Your Current Codebase
As you know, removing a Drupal module does not remove code from any part of the codebase. The code usually stays in the /modules folder and can be reinstalled immediately. It is always safer to completely remove this code from your codebase.
Clone Your Site To Drupal 4
On the current host, navigate to the above site directory from the Drupal 8 root, but also the public_html directory, or similar for the country. DO NOT use a zipper. It does save permissions, not permissions!
Module Dependency
Each module’s info.yml file can (and probably should) contain a large dependency key that makes your module dependent on time †“Other modules”. If you turnmodule, your module will automatically minify all those other dependencies.
Creating A Drupal 8 Update Hook
There is good documentation on how to write update hooks, which is a bit missing, including how to create a Hot Content Inserts object for an already installed module. If you’re using a Google machine, many posts and answers will direct you to the following question as the (wrong) solution:
Adding A Drupal 8 Module With Composer
The short story is just that to add the best new module – for example, the reCAPTCHA special anti-spam module – enter these instructions on the command line (in the root directory of your Drupal 8 website) to install it:
Why Programmatically Activate Segment?
In the Drupal agency, we have encountered various situations where programmatic activation of programs is the best solution. This can mostly affect the development pipeline using CI, but there are certainly other special situations: