Approved: Fortect
Here are some easy ways to help you solve the problem of embedding images in Outlook Email vba.
Approved: Fortect
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I am trying to insert a range from a spreadsheet into the body of an Outlook mail as a nice image. It creates the image correctly, but I am only checking for a blank image in someone’s Outlook email body. What am I doing here ?
Sub invalid View_Email () tName = Trim (MAIN.Range ("tEmail")) Otherwise tName Like "*@*.*" Then MsgBox "Invalid outgoing email": Sub Set OutApp = CreateObject ("Outlook.Application") Set OutMail OutApp = .CreateItem (0) 'File path / GIF file name Fname means ThisWorkbook.Path & " Claims.jpg" Set oCht = Charts.Add STAT Range ("A3: G26"). CopyPicture xlScreen, xlBitmap with oCht .Dough Export file name: = Fname, filter name: = "JPG" '. Transparent End with If there is a mistake, continue With OutMail .TO. = .TName ... ? ... ... .CC "" implies .BCC "" = Object = STAT.Range ("C1"). Value .HTMLBody = From "

Summary of Complaint Status
" & _ "
" .Advertising '. send 'or use .Display End with If there is a GoTo error 0 'Delete gif file 'Kill Fname Set OutMail = Nothing Set OutApp = NothingThe end of the underwaterboats
called on July 2, 2017 at 10:25 am
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You must add an image and therefore hide it. The position 0
is inserted and hidden.
.Attachments.Add Fname, 1, 0
When someone adds an image, use "cid: FILENAME.jpg"
as shown below.
with outgoing mail .TO. = .TName ... ... ... ... ..CC = "" .BCC = "" ... Object = STAT.Range ("C1"). Value .Appendices.Fnom, integrate 1, 0 .HTMLBody stands for " Summary of Complaint Status. &
" _ "
" .AdvertisingEnd with
Received Jul 2 ’17 at 11:34 am
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Outlook VBA Code – Inline Image – in the body of an email message We use a nozzle for this. add using only a few additional parameters. We then reference some image file name in the header of the HTML code. Outlook automatically converts the image file name to a CID (Content Identifier).
Insert an image into the main body of an email Place your own cursor where you want the image in your personal message. Choose Insert> Pictures. Browse specific computers or file folders on the Internet to find the image you want to insert. Select the person’s photo and click Insert.
But with that encoded string, you can just embed your image to create an email using the standard HTML ingredient tag and that’s it. No deep immersion required directly in MIME or code. However, online integration does not work well with email services and is completely blocked by Microsoft Outlook.