Approved: Fortect
Sometimes, your computer may show an error with error code 678. There can be several reasons for this problem to occur. Windows returns error 678 to indicate that the connection failed. Regardless of what the description of the error implies (the remote computer did not respond), a connection issue could be caused by a hardware or package misconfiguration on your computer, or a specific issue with your computer. Line (static, excessive moisture, etc.).
Error 678 is returned by Windows to indicate that the connection attempt failed. Whatever the meaning of the error description (the remote computer is not responding), the underlying connection problem could be caused by a bad hardware or software configuration on your computer, or simply by a cable related problem (static electricity, excessive humidity, etc.) .
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Dial Error 678 occurs when the remote server is simply not available. Cellular modems may experience dialer error 678, some devices are not registered to the wireless network.
How do I fix Error 691 on broadband?
Make sure your login ID and security are correct.Use Microsoft CHAP version 2.Uncheck the box next to Enable Windows Logon Domain.Check the connection asset settings.Change LANMAN settings.
Using the AT Command Tester tool, check if the electronic device is connected to the network by reading the RSSI value and recording the status.
To get error 678 when connecting, try again with a SIM card that can successfully register on the network. Activate in the AT Command Tester tool to register as shown below.
Keywords: , M2M module , GPRS , 3G , via AT commands,
How do I fix error 678 in Windows XP?
Disconnect this cable that connects the computer system to the modem.Turn off computer. If your modem does not have a power switch, turn off the modem.Wait 2 minutes.Turn on the modem, then plug in the cable that connects to the modem on most computers.
Does Windows give a lot of error codes 678 – “The remote computer is not responding”? To fix error 678 in Windows Seven, follow the steps in the specific guide.
Fixed Error 678, Connection Issues
How do I fix Error 678 the remote computer did not respond?
Check the connected cables.Turn the modem off and on again to resolve error 678.Reset Winsock and restart your computer.Check if a firewall is blocking your internet connection.Check for viral infection.Executethat reset and reconfigure these modems.
1. Check the network cable first. Make sure it is properly connected to your trusted computer! If your system is connected through a router or hub, please make sure our cable is properly connected to the input and the green lights are on.
2. If the error is still not resolved, make sure the network card is enabled without any doubt. Turn on the network adapter, click “Start” k” and type ncpa.cpl in the search box, then click OK. Right-click on the Local Area Connection icon and select Enable if it is disabled (as shown below).
3. Step If the error still persists, restart your modem/router or turn it off and then on again after about two times. Also disconnect and reconnect the cable if the computer is connected to a decoder. If you keep getting error 678 after resetting your modem, call your ISP as this may be caused by your ISP. They will reboot and prepare the connection on their side.
How do I fix Error 678?
Check the connected cables.Restart your modem to fix error 678.Reset Winsock and restart your personal computer.Check if a firewall is blocking your internet connection.Look for a viral infection.Reset and reconfigure the modem.
Error 678 in Windows 7 usually occurs when you’re having connection issues or your ISP is having issues with a purchase.
If you still can’t resolve the issue after contacting your ISP, please describe your situation below.
see error 678 or end listener no connectRead or write after dialing to connect to the Internet.
How do I connect Windows XP to the Internet 2021?
Go to Network Connections > Connect to the Internet > choose how you want to set up your connection.Select Far from the list of interests.Internet providers to help you find your ISP.Select a dial-up hub, a broadband connection that requires a username and password, or an always-on broadband provider.
What is PPP error?
Your modem establishes a PPP web connection and your Ethernet packets are sent over that connection. It looks like you are periodically disconnected from your ISP. There may be a number of things that can cause the connection to be lost. You may have a bad signal when the ISP is disconnected, and sometimes the connection is available.
How do I fix Error 691 on broadband?
Make sure that the login ID and password are correct without any doubt.Use Microsoft CHAP version 2.Disable the Enable Windows Logon Domain option.Check your connection security settings.Edit the LANMAN settings.