Res The transaction alt is not available. Responsible resource manager will be logged out.
This code can be used in any of the following events / insert lines:
Insert lines
Security Events
<_span id = "1: j_id_id div id = "j_id0: j_id1: j_id375: j_id376: j_id441: j_id442: j_id449: j_id450: j_id491">
< div>
Error 6819 and also 12867 trying to add extensions to a new zone
Product: OpenEdge Versions: 10.1x, 11.x OS: all platforms are supported Other: Database
Question / issue description
Explanatory information
The database exists after the image areas.
Any error information
match name / number of the range: Audit data zone: By image area number> Error 4: . (6819) add SPACE FAULT. Id = “j_id0: j_id1: j_id375: j_id376: j_id441: j_id442: j_id449: j_id450: j_id693: j_id695: 10: j_id696″>
The added zone number corresponds to the zone number for AI extension files
either …. # # St d Database file “Miscellaneous”: 12.32; 1 /data/sports_12.d1 f 320 d “Miscellaneous”: 12.32; 1 /data/sports_12.d2 # a / data2 / sports.a1 f 512 <- This will be the area 13 # a /data3/sports.a2 f 512 <- This will be the zone / data4 / sports 14 # a.a3 r <- 512 This will be zone 15 # a /data5/sports.a4 512 f <- This will be part 16
# # – This file contains a new area with number 17 d “New Area”: 17.32; 1.f 320 d zone “: 17.32; 1 “new.
Last modified date
10.24.2017 19:29
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Any sample code provided when this site is not endorsed by any other Progress program or support team. The sticker code is provided “AS IS”. Progress makes no warranties, express or implied, and disclaims all implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The user is responsible for all risks arising from the use or implementation of the template rule. On very rare occasions, Progress, its employees or customers otherwise involvednot in the creation, production or even delivery of the code are liable for any damage (including but not limited to complications due to loss of business profit, interference with business, loss of business information