Here are some simple steps to help you fix your Windows XP startup error message.
Approved: Fortect
If your good computer hasSome hardware is fine, but Windows XP system does not load properly when you need to take a troubleshooting expedition to find the system, determine the dilemma, and then resolve it. To help you and your family get started on this expedition, here are 10 things to do if Windows XP won’t start.
This blog post is available for download in PDF format from TechRepublic. This entry was originally published as a great new article on Jan 26, 2006
# 1: Use A Reliable Windows Boot Disk
One of the most likely ways to troubleshoot Windows XP startup problems is to have the latest Windows boot disk. This floppy can be useful if the real problem is the damaged boot record of the active partition or files that the system uses to start Windows.
To create a Windows medical diskette, insert the diskette into a Windows XP system with the same configuration, start My Computer, right-click the common iconok floppy disk and select “Format” in the context menu. When you see the Format dialog box, leave all the defaults unchanged and click the Start button. When the build is complete, close the Format dialog to return to My Computer, double-click the C drive icon for normal root access, and copy the following third files to a floppy disk:
- Boot.ini
After creating a Windows startup splash screen, insert it into the affected system’s floppy drive and press [Ctrl] [Alt] [Del] to restart the computer. If you start working outside of the Windows startup disk, your computer might bypass the active partition, start presentations on your hard drive, and try to start Windows XP normally.
# 2: Use Last Known Good Configuration
You can also try starting the operating system using Last Known Good Configuration. This feature makes it easy to revert the changes that caused the problem to the CurrentControlSet registry key, which sets hardware and hardware options Verov. Last Known Good Configuration replaces the contents of the CurrentControlSet registry key with the last backup used when the operating system successfully started.
To use the Last Known Configuration feature, first restart your computer by pressing [Ctrl] [Alt] [Del]. When you see the message Please select whether to display this operating system when you start your system or hear it beep once, press F8 to display the Windows Advanced Options menu. Select the last known known configuration item from the list and press [Enter].
Remember that you only get one photo with Last Known Good Configuration. In other words, if the first attempt to restore the best Windows XP fails, the duplicate will get corrupted as well.
# 3: Use System Restore
Another tool that can come in handy since Windows XP doesn’t work is Boot System Repair. System Restore runs continuously in the background as a pleasant experience It controls and controls critical system components available for modification. When it detects an impending change, System Restore immediately creates backups marked as restore points of these critical components before the change takes place. In addition, System Restore is configured by default to restore points every 24 hours.
To use System Restore, first restart your computer while holding down [Ctrl] [Alt] [Del]. When you see the message “Please just click on the operating system to start” or hear a single beep, press F8 to display the Windows Advanced Options menu. Now prefer safe menu mode and press [Enter].
Once Windows XP enters Safe Mode Booties, click the Start button and go directly to All Programs | Accessories | System Tools menu and select System Restore. Since you are in Safe Mode, the only option on the System Restore Wizard that opens is “Recover my computer.”Computer to Previous State” and it is fixed by default. So just click Next. Then follow the instructions in the wizard to install a restore point and start restoring this process.
# 4. Use Recovery Console
If the problem with starting Windows XP is serious, you can take a more radical approach. The Windows XP CD is bootable and gives you access to a tool classified as a Recovery Console.
To boot the XP CD from Windows, insert it into the CD-ROM, click on the problematic system, then use [Ctrl] [Alt] [Del] to restart the computer. When the program starts booting from the Simply CD, pay attention to the prompts that will allow you to load the basic files needed to manage the configuration. When you see the welcome screen of the installer, shown in Figure A, press R to launch the Recovery Console.
Figure A
< / h5>
Recovery Console
Then you will see the console restore menu.Updates, as shown in Figure B. It displays a folder with all operating system files and prompts everyone to choose the operating system they want to connect to. Just press that menu number on your keyboard and you will definitely be prompted to enter the admin change. After that, you will be taken to the main command line window of the recovery console.
Figure B
< / h5>
Choose your family’s operating system
# 5: Repair Corrupted Boot.ini File
Because the Windows XP operating system starts to load frequently, much of the Ntldr program points to the Boot.ini directory to determine where the operating system’s ring folders are located and which options should be activated when the operating system continues to boot. Therefore, if the problem is with the main Boot.ini file, it may prevent Windows XP from starting correctly.
If you suspect that Windows XP will not start due to corrupted Boot.ini file, you can useCall some specialized versions of the recovery console version of the Bootcfg gadget. Of course, you must first boot the system from a specific Windows XP CD and access the Recovery As console described in point 4.
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Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

To use the bootcfg tool, enter the “encourage” command
in the Recovery Console. a
Bootcfg / parameter
- / add – Scans the hard drive for Windows installations and allows new ones to be updated in the Boot.ini file.
- / Scan – Scan the entire hard drive to install Windows.
- / List – Lists each entry in the Boot.ini file.
- / Default – Specifies the default operating system for each MBR.
- / Rebuild – Rebuilds the Boot.ini file from scratch. The user must confirm each step.
- / redirect – allows you to send the download process directly to a specific port when using the offline administration function. The redirect parameter excludes two of its own parameters: [Port Baudrate] | [Use BIOS settings].
- / Disableredirect: Disables redirection.
# 6: Repair Damaged Forsection Load Sector
A partition boot sector is a small partition on each hard disk partition that contains information about the operating system’s file system (NTFS, possibly FAT32), as well as a small machine language program needed to support the operating system as it boots.
If you think Windows XP won’t start because the boot sector of partition h
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Solution # 1: remove viruses.Fix # 2: Run chkdsk.Fix # 3: Restore Windows XP Windows Registry.Fix # 4: Check or remove hardware.Fix # 5: Restart Last Known Good Configuration.Fix # 6: Reconfigure boot.ini.Method 1. Check or remove hardware.
Another tool that can come in handy when Windows XP isn’t getting trained is System Restore. To use System Restore, first restart your computer by pressing [Ctrl] [Alt] [Del]. When you hear the message “Select an operating system to boot” and hear a single beep, press [F8] to display the Windows Advanced Options menu.
Reboot your computer.Wait for your BIOS to complete POST (TV with your manufacturer’s logo and / or device information).Press F8 quickly several times until you understand the list of boot options.Select Disable mechanical restart in case of system failure.