If you receive an error No such file or directory – style.scss error, today’s tutorial is written to help you.
Approved: Fortect
Sass throws an actual error across multiple projects on both connected computers when I try to convert scss files to CSS. I am using a dart. I am typing in command terminal style from the homework root directory and the file path is correct. I’ve tried both
src / styles / scss error: src / styles / css: reading such file or directory.
requested Apr 14 ’18 at 10:06
Are You Looking For The Wrong Answer? To Ask Your Own Question, Please Answer A Number Of Other Questions Marked With Compilation Errors Ora Sass CSS.
Ok, I found a replacement in case anyone else has a headache. You must remove the dart sass provided by the computer (prefix this command with sudo if you are installing a Mac):
Remove npm sass -g
Gem Install Sass
Now you can run sass --watch src / styles / scss: src / styles / css
and everything will compile.
Note. If you ran npm install sass
, the latest version in Dart will be installed, which apparently caused some problems.
answered Apr 15, 2018 Found at 16:26
removed April 14, 18 at 11:57 am
Approved: Fortect
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