Approved: Fortect
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

If your file is in the right place in the right place (freesurfer / name.license), make sure the MRI_DIR environment variable is linked to your Freesurfer directory, equal to your FREESURFER_HOME directory. This is from the concept of s. togetherObtaining the FreeSurferEnv.csh file described as final installationInstructions for working with a regular safe script file.
2003-Jul-30 10:35 kteich
We cannot turn a task into a problem.and these terms. Try again.
I am running the following command here:
fmriprep-docker / Users / neurolab / Desktop / New folder –participant-label / users / nerolab / desktop / new folder / Derivatives / member 010001 –fs-license-file / Users / nerolab / Desktop / Stephan / Programs / freesurfer / license.txt
and often encounter an error:

Node by name: fmriprep_wf.single_subject_010001_wf.anat_preproc_wf.surface_recon_wf.Path autorecon1
Individual freesurfer license is correct and I can’t figure out why / opt / is set for all freesurfer routes?
Anyone have any ideas?
Traceback (last call, last): "/ usr / local / miniconda / lib / python3 file.7 / site-packages / nipype / pipeline / plugins / multiproc.Line py", 67, in run_node result ["result"] implies (updatehash = updatehash) File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/", 516, run phrase Result implies self._run_interface (execute = True) File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/" line 635 in _run_interface Self-return ._run_command (run) File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/" line 741 in _run_command Result = (cwd = outdir) The file "/ usr / local / miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nipype/interfaces/base/ "line 397, in progress = Self._run_interface runtime (runtime) File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nipype/interfaces/base/" line 792 in _run_interface self.raise_Exception (execution) File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nipype/interfaces/base/" line 723, only in raise_exception ) .format (** runtime.dictcopy ())Runtime error: command:recon-all -autorecon1 -i /data/sub-010001/ses-02/anat/sub-010001_ses-02_T1w.nii -noskullstrip -openmp -subjid 10 sub-010001 -sd / out / freesurferStandard version:Topic buffer: freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v6.0.1-f53a55aCurrent print: freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v6.0.SUBJECTS_DIR 1-f53a55ainformation: is / out / freesurferFREESURFER_HOME / opt / current freesurferLinux ed810a344e1d 4.19.76-linuxkit # 1 SMP May 26 11:42:35 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU / Linux'/ opt / freesurfer / bin / recon-all' -> '/out/freesurfer/sub-010001/scripts/recon-all.local-copy'/ off / freesurfer / until 010001 mri_convert /data/sub-010001/ses-02/anat/sub-010001_ses-02_T1w.nii /out/freesurfer/sub-010001/mri/orig/001.mgzmri_convert.bin /data/sub-010001/ses-02/anat/sub-010001_ses-02_T1w.nii /out/freesurfer/sub-010001/mri/orig/001.mgz FreeSurfer-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------Error: The license file /opt/freesurfer/license.txt was not found. If you are outside the center nmr-martinos go to restore a permanent license file (free). When you are in Ts ntre RMN-Martinos, Make sure you have a standard environment. Alternative license file path can also be defined by the FS_LICENSE environment variable.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------Id $: mri_convert.c, v 1.226 02/26/2016 4:15:24 PM Exp mreuter $everything from / dat. read
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