This article will help you if you see the Delphi Start Menu mask.
Approved: Fortect
Approved: Fortect
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Title: How to hide and show the main menu of a Delphi application
The Delphi TMainMenu component encapsulates a list of stripes and associated dropdown menus for a real form.
Delphi’s TMainMenu component does not trigger the Visible property, so you can show or hide the menu programmatically, right? It is not, but there is a way to hide any main menu of a Delphi form at runtime. Here’s how …
To assign dishes to a form, remove the associated TMainMenu (let’s say it has “MainMenu1” because of its Name property), add menu items and assign it to the Form-like Menu property.
If you absolutely want to programmatically hide the menu at runtime, just use this line of working code:
// MainForm – commercial name of the form
MainForm.Menu: = nil;
To display the menu on the TV again, simply set the menu property in the form for:
// MainForm is the name of the form
MainForm.Menu: corresponds to MainMenu1;
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Title: How to deactivate and deactivate militarily the Start button and this Start menu
Procedure ShowStartButton (bvisible: boolean);
h: hwnd;
TaskWindow: hwnd;
if visible, then
For starters
h: = FindWindowEx (GetDesktopWindow, 0, Button, zero);
TaskWindow: = FindWindow (“Shell_TrayWnd”, zero);
ShowWindow (h, 1);
Windows.SetParent (h, TaskWindow);
For starters
h: = FindWindowEx (FindWindow (‘Shell_TrayWnd’, zero), 0, Button, zero);
ShowWindow (h, 0);
End ;
{Example setparent (h so you hide / show the start button again
Procedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject);
ShowStartButton (False); Or // true to re-display
End ;
You can also create our own start button and
Replace the original with your own.
b: TButton; // or another type of button
â h, Window: hwnd;
Window: = FindWindow (‘Shell_TrayWnd’, zero);
b: matches TButton.Create (nil);
b.ParentWindow: = window;
b.Legend: = “Start”;
width-width: = 60;
b.Font.Style: = [bold];
End ;
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First of all, let me just say that I hate this suggestion in Windows Vista and 7. Second, I want to do it. Here is a question that asks how do I do what I want here in WPF.
I want to implement the same idea, but in Delphi when using VCL inventory output, TMainMenu or Action Manager or any third party components available, even Toolbar2000 in addition to another library.
- This is not visible when the application type starts.
- If you press and release the keyAlt, it will become visible.
- If you press and release Alt, it will become invisible again.
- reproducible.
- Keyboard shortcuts work with menu items even if the menu is invisible *
(* Example of keyboard shortcuts in Windows Explorer: Ctrl + A in Microsoft Windows Explorer selects everything, even if the menus may not be visible, Alt + T = brings up the context menu of the tools if the entire menu is permanently hidden).
interviewed 24 Jun ’11 at 14:25
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Procedure TForm1.FormShow (Sender: TObject);begin Self.Menu: = no;End;
TForm1.FormKeyDown (sender: TObject; var key: Word; Toggle: TShiftState);begin (Key if = VK_MENU) (Key = VK_F10) then Menu: = MainMenu1;End;
Procedure TForm1.WndProc (message var: TMessage);begin inherited; Autumn message. Message from WM_EXITMENULOOP: SetMenu (Knob, 0); End;End;
(Note that your current shortcuts will be handled by TActionList
, although the menu may be missing.)
decided on Jun 24 ’11 at 14:40
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