Approved: Fortect
If you know how to disable Windows 2008 checksum offloading on your PC, this guide can help you.
Should I disable UDP checksum offload?
To encrypt transmission between AND idm AS Java during initial download or other work, you can use HTTP instead of HTTP for the JAVA server. However, as long as you choose the https protocol, you may not get the actual IPL to work correctly. The error message looks like this PKIX path failed: Exception thrown No valid certification path found for requested target
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

[“Business Unit”: “Code”: “BU059”, “Label”: “IBM Non-GST Software”, “Product”: “Code”: “SSEQTP”, “Label”: “WebSphere Application Server”, ” Platform” :[“code”:”PF025″,”label”:”Platform Independent”],”Version”:”8.5″,”Business”:”code”:”LOB45″,”label”:”Automation” ]
APAR Status
Closed Due To Calendar Error.
How do I disable TCP checksum offload?
Error Description
How do I disable Task Offload?
This exception is thrown if the file path currently containsRemoves the # symbol.For instance,setProperty("", "c:test#1keyFile.p12"); Exception target SSLSocketFactory is null. It mayhappen when is calledCreate a simple socket and the* properties are not IllegalArgumentException thrown---The reason is that it opens the new keystore path as a URL AND our own "#".excluded for URL. This was mainly done to supportKeystore for the location of the remote PC's help file.
Local Solution
How do I disable IPv4 checksum offload?
rRemove the "#" from the path, it was possible to connect to the WAS serverwith no exceptions
Short Description Of The Problem
************************************************** ******* * ************************************* APPLICABLE USERS: all users with IBM WebSphere application ** SSL host connections. ******************************************************** ******************************* ISSUE DESCRIPTION: error **happened when there was a "#" in the keystore, maybe** Path to Truststore. ************************************************************************************ RECOMMENDATION: Avoid using "#" in the keystore file path. ******************************************************** ******************************The reason is that the protection of the execution house opens the way to the key URL. In URLs, "#" is a fragment of my delimiter.