Here are some simple methods that can help solve the problem with installing the xen kernel of the nvidia driver.
Approved: Fortect
Target problem:
It is truly a desktop system with advanced graphics (one desktop including two DVI / LCD screens with a resolution of 1600 x 1200 each) and the ability to prototype new software provisions / systems with Xen-based looms. The challenge is to be able to run the NVIDIA driver normally as compared to the main system (Dom0). When looking for solutions on the internet, there were mainly 3 problems:
- The article is very (years).
- Steps are missing in this article; which is difficult to keep track of.
- This article suggests a nested / complex feature (for example, creating your own kernel scratch).
Most people want a practical and invaluable system and don’t want to mess with things like double start – a practice that is unstable. In the author’s gamble, the driver (owner) NVIDIA supports this design configuration well. This is not an NVIDIA driver that causes significant performance degradation, so this option was not considered. The NVIDIA driver package does NOT support Xen kernels at this time. When we have to install the package, it will stop working.
- Dell XPS 420 running with Core 2 Quad 8600 processor
ge force GTS – PCIe card
Pre-configuration statePersonal configuration:
- The system system was created from the CentOS 5.4 x86_64 share.
Select a virtualization group during installation so that the configuration includes the Xen core by default.
- This article does not cover the Quick Install system or the use of Xen virtual machines.
- Please make sure you reserve / download enough disk space and / provide it for multiple (at least 4) kernel / kernel development kits.
- It is highly recommended that you follow the stairs from a Terminal / SSH session from another host – this makes it easier to copy and paste commands.
- All these steps are simply performed by the “root” user.
update yum gymdelicious, everything is cleanReload
Keep only the latest version of kernel-xen, kernel-xen-devel (this is an example of removing old kernels from the system):
rpm -e core-xen-2.6.18-164.el5 core-xen-devel-2.6.18-164.el5
[root @ localhost ~] # rpm -qa | Basickernel-xen-devel-2 grep.6.18-164.9.1.el5Core-xen-2.6.18-164.9.1.el5kernel-2.6.18-164.9.1.el5 headers
yum -y choose p develop the core
So now we have identical Xen and non-Xen kernels:
[root @ localhost ~] # rpm -qa | core grepkernel-xen-devel-2.6.18-164.9.1.el5Kernel-developer-2.6.18-164.9.1.el5Core-2.6.18-164.9.1.el5Core-xen-2.6.18-164.9.1.el5kernel-2.6.18-164.9.1.el5 headers
This method has been used successfully with these two generations, as well as with NVIDIA drivers:
< / li>
Since almost everyone is currently using the Xen kernel, don’t let them compile the NVIDIA kernel module first:
[root @ localhost ~] # uname -r2.6.18-164.9.1.el5xfr
CD / tmpchmod + x --extract-onlycd NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-190.53-pkg2 / usr / src / NVIGNORE_XEN_PRESENCE = y make SYSSRC = / lib / modules / `uname -r` / build module
You generate a lot of warnings, but in the end:
We are now installing a new module in the library: xen-kernel
mkdir -p / lib / modules / `uname -r` / kernel / drivers / video / nvidia /cp -i nvidia.ko / lib / modules / `uname -r` / kernel / drivers / video / nvidia /depmod -amodprobe nvidia
At this point, we have determined that we can load the nvidia module into your running Xen kernel. Nothing related to the rest of NVIDIA software,hasn’t been loaded, so things don’t work correctly (yet).
This step is optional, but continues to shutdown the system in meaningful non-functional X configuration. This makes booting the system rave in non-graphical multi-user mode (of course, sometimes you can do this with your favorite text editor):
sed -i 's / ^ id: 5: / id: 3: /' / etc / inittab
Restart the link now, but when you see the Grub screen, stop the boot process (press
After starting my PC, we must start a non-Xen kernel:
[root @ localhost ~] # uname -r2.6.18-164.9.1.el5
Ok, let’s set up the NVIDIA software like this: Medium
CD / tmp./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-190.53-pkg2. Run away
At this point, we usually have all the NVIDIA software to install / configure the NON-Xen environment AND we also created the NVIDIA Xen kernel module andloaded it into the module library path (Xen core).
Let’s define the non-working one (set to autorun in graphical mode):
sed -i 's / ^ id: 3: / id: 5: /' / etc / inittab
Now for this boot, let it boot from Xen (if the kernel is still the default).
The NVIDIA Home screen appears exactly as it did when the system was started. Quickly check if the driver is loaded:
[root @ localhost ~] # dmesg | grep -i nvidianvidia: NVIDIA course license spoofs the kernel.NVRM: NVIDIA Loads UNIX Kernel Module x86_64 190.53 Wednesday Dec 9 15:29:46 PST ~] # 2009
[root @ localhost uname -r2.6.18-164.9.1.el5xfr
For this to work, I used a fat-free 1280 x 1024 panel connected to DVI with a very relatively simple graphics setup. Once everything is set up, you can change your X configuration like this:
/ usr / bin / nvidia-settings
This entire process must be repeated every time a new system kernel is loaded. This entire process took 10-15 minutes if you did this process once or twice.
UPDATE (Aug 92012): Ported to other hardware (Dell Optiplex with 780 GeForce 9300 GE graphics). This requires a newer NVIDIA driver package:
CD NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-190.53-pkg2 / usr / src / NV
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-275.09.07 / kernel
This process has NOT actually been tested on CentOS 6, but unfortunately still works for CentOS 5.8 (all updates described above).
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