Today’s article aims to help you if you get an error code while installing asm on Windows.
Approved: Fortect
Select the appropriate option for the installation you are interested in.Select the appropriate installation option.Select your preferred language.Select the location of the Oracle database and software application.Done once.
This articlealso assumes that you are using Oracle Version 11g Release 2 – specifically11.2.0.4. This was the last version of Oracle that was shared.Available to many for it at the time of writing and if not the version you are using iSuggest you update aside. I must add what I really feel anddescribe the 32-bit version of Oracle 11g and have no idea,64-bit translation works the same or not at all!
In thisItem as well as simulating your 6GB ASM bay (which requires approximately 6GB of free space)Storage), I will show buyers how to convert an existing data warehouse that usesstored in a traditional file system directly on an ASM-only file system. Thisvery important for Oracle RMAN tool and instructionstherefore applicable to both Linux and Unix users, as well as Windows users. I want you toodemonstrate how to get Enterprise Manager to manage and monitor an ASM array.- and this is again what all ASM users offer in the same way, perhaps not onlyWindow.
For thisextra sheets of paper make sense, but I will do it in the futureSuppose you have already installed Ba Setup Assistantdata link (DBCA).to create a specific database called ORCL with a provided “generic” data record templateoracles. (It does not matter as long as there isfully functional database stored on NTFS drive. If the database namedifferent, but you will suffer from adapting some parts of the scripts in addition to Examples Iin this article).
Less: ifThey use a decent version that usually comes with Windows and runs on 11g Release 2.database and have about 6GB of free storage space, so pleaseread on because then what’s amazing is definitely useful, powerful … andthe future of Oracle Data Source Warehouse!
This article will show you the easiest way to simulate ASM on a desktop computer and even a laptop with a Windows related version. If you are installing on a physical computer, you can safely omit all the places where the article mentions problems specific to VMware (for example, installing VMware Tools), but, unfortunately, common problems (such as using almost any static IP addressesa) are valid in practical cases. …
2.0Hard Disk Tampering Techniques
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

ASM takes timedisks to physical storage and packed them into a logical volume, which is thenwhen you want to treat databases as one piece of finished memory. How to create an ASM tableStorage in laptop or desktop so you need to be able to do it yourselfImagine Oracle using a series of “chunks” of physical storage space. Possibilityit’s like plugging in half a dozen hard drives to make sure you have a laptop …but that would make … an interesting laptop! More convenient from somewhere elseWhat could be done to repartition an existing hard drive so that it sculpts too?half a dozen fresh, raw and available notes. Absolutelydoable, but intrusive and destructive: chances are you don’t want itdeliberately cripple your existing computer.
YesOf course, always install the VMware option and create half a dozenvirtual hard drives for a brand new multimedia PC. This is how i doafter all i use it a lot myself for RAC on my laptop so it will definitely bedoable – and what’s more, the available VMware server is now free.Unfortunately, installing Windows on a virtual PC requiresAdditional full Microsoft license (means: pay for a copy), fresh and / or inIn any case, virtual PCs are slower than their physical counterparts. Slowly anddear ones – actually ideal properties for such a fun experience!
So in thisArticle, I will fake hard drives using almost the same technique asI have used ASM on Linux in my laptop. Article: the ability to write a number of “hard” files, in addition to receivingOracle recognizes them as useful storage, as if they were hard drives. VIn Linux, everyone makes this approach work by simply using a system loopbackSo the devices and the operating system are wrong on their own.I think it has advanced hard drives. No equivalent approachbut for Windows. Instead, everyone should use the init.ora parameter with a foolan Oracle instance to think that severalHow many files are physically representedPantry. This approach should certainly work, but it is based on a real covert approach.The initialization parameter is set to 100% and is therefore complete.Absolute no-no in a production environment!
It’s very simpledo it in practice, not figure it out theoretically, so let’s get started!
3.0Create Fake Hard Drives
As part of11g Release 2 standard installation, Oracle provides an exe called asmtool,and it can be used to create “solid” files – solid in the sense that they are. arefilled with zeros, as if they contradict each other, too filled with empty space. These are varietiesASM files asks if he wants to treat them as tiresome disks. Utility foundin the ORACLE_HOME bin directory which is usually part of your PATHduring a traditional Oracle installation. So you should be able toCall the program from anywhere, so the following instructions should work:
md c: asmdisks
asmtool -create c: asmdisks disk1 1 thousand
asmtool -create c: asmdisks disk2 1000
asmtool -create c: asmdisks disk3 1500
asmtool -create c: asmdisks disk4 1000
asmtool -get c: asmdisks disk5 1000
This crowd gathersCreate five records of 1 GB each (usually 1000 MB) and save them toFolder C: ASMDISKS (which can be called whatever you want to refer to the course).
That’s allthis is the situation. Now you can create a wonderful instance of ASM to managethese five file types are as if they were 5 x 1 GB hard drives.
4th Le 0Create An ASM Instance
TraditionalLogical volumes have traditional logical volume managers. ASM has real “logic”Volume Manager ‘, also Es, but coincidentally as an Oracle instance,complete with communal pool, large pool and real flotilla in the backgroundProcess. With all the increase, the ASM instance size will be somewhere between 64 MB and 100 MB.Overall size, never exaggerated.
Before a person canCreate an ASM instance in 11g 2, but first you will need to run a new script.which creates an instance of Oracle Cluster Registry and then related processes& Services. Rendering is performed by the command:
C: oracle product 10.2.0 db_1 bin localconfigadd
MaybeWondering why you eat for pleasure, grouping foods one at a time?Desktop PC, but this is how it is: maybe a single copy,Single Node, Non-Clustering Oracle uses a clustered registry to manageThe existence of ASM instances and therefore regular instances (database) is also hardcodedCheck if there are any working ASM instancesWe offer and provide warehouse services. Anyway, if you don’tThe script, especially when trying to start an ASM instance, may return a “Failed” error.Contact Cluster Manager “So, get started now!
Well, enjoyIt would be nice if we could use a dedicated instance of ASM 11g Release 2.Creation too
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Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) is an integrated file system and volume advisor designed specifically for Oracle database files. Oracle ASM provides direct I / O capabilities with ease of lodge system administration.
Use automatic memory management.Migration of the database to ASM.Recommendations for preparation for storage.Improvements to Automatic Storage Manager (ASM) in Oracle Database 11g version 1.
Currently, set the default Oracle_home environment variable to normal home with ASM installed. EXPORT ORACLE_HOME = / up1 / grid / 12.2.0 / dbhome_1.Log in with sqlplus. SQLPLUS / if sysasm.Start an instance of Oracle ASM. SQL> START.Check the location of the spfile or enter it differently.