In this guide, we are going to find out some of the possible reasons that might prevent mmc from opening the Vista compmgmt.msc file and then suggest possible fixes that you can try to solve this problem.
Approved: Fortect
MMC simply cannot open the C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32COMPMGMT. MSC. This may be because the file does not necessarily fully exist, is not an MMC, and was created in a later version of MMC. This may also be due to the fact that the person does not have sufficient access rights to the folder.
This is because the file has not been saved, is not an MMC, or may have been created in a later version of the MMC. This may also be due to the fact that you do not have sufficient access rights to a particular file.
What is error in MMC?
To fix this problem automatically, usually click the Fix this problem link. Then click “Launch File Download Dialog” and follow the instructions in this wizard.
Note. This wizard may only be available in English. However, AutoCorrect also works in other language versions of Windows.
Note. If the public computer is not on the computer that is having the problem, you can save your work.This fix is available on an appropriate flash drive or CD so that you can run it on a computer that has a specific problem.
At the command prompt, type cd %windir%system32 and then press ENTER.
Note that the %Windir% folder is usually the folder where you installed Microsoft Windows.
Unable to open device manager or services.msc A message box appears: “MMc cannot open C:Windowssystem32devmgmt.msc.instigator”.
Original Title: Unable to connect to wireless network. Convenience My grocery store has stopped working and I can no longer access the Network and Sharing Center. I’m sure it’s some kind of virus. Please help me.
Suddenly I get the message “An error has occurred. The troubleshooter cannot continue.” If I manage to run the troubleshooter, .
When I try to open device manager services or an MSC file I get a message, all I have to do is enter the window: “MMc cannot create file C:Windowssystem32devmgmt.msc.
TermMy Defender Pro subscription has also expired, although I recently added a one-time subscription.
Did you change computers before the show?
Method 1.
Try the following and see if they solve the problem:
a. Click Start, type cmd, right-click and select “Propose as administrator”.
b. At the command prompt, type regsvr32 msxml3.dll, and then press Enter.
Method 2.
Checking the file system (CFS) to recover all damaged structure files. To do this, follow the well-known steps at the following link:
How to use System File Checker to repair certain types of missing or completely corrupted system files in Windows Vista or Windows 7.
What is Compmgmt MSC?
MMC cannot open file Cwindowssystem32WF.msc
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

When I try to help you open the notification center, I get a surprising message. MMC cannot open file C:windowssystem32WF.msc
How do you fix MMC Cannot open the file?
Click Start, Run, typeE cmd and click OK.Typically, at the command prompt, type cd %windir%system32 and then press ENTER.Enter the following commands.Type exit, then press ENTER to display the command prompt window.Restart your computer.
Thanks for posting a question on these Microsoft Community Forums.
According to the description, buyers receiveError message “MMC can never open file C:windowssystem32WF.msc” when browsing to open action center.
We will follow the steps and check.
Method 1:
Try accessing the Windows Firewall settings from the Microsoft Management Console.
one. Press Start
b. Type MMC (right click and select “Run as administrator”)
c. Click File (upper corner)
d on the right. Click Add/Remove Snap
e. Select Windows Firewall with Advanced Settings under Remove Added Windows Snap-ins.
f.Click Add (clicking OK will not make any changes)
d.Click OK and you can edit the settings 12 -window console.
Where is Compmgmt MSC located?
If you want to use policy settings through MMC, check your computer for corrupted system files.
How do you fix MMC Cannot open the file?
Run an SFC scan on your computer. See the following link:
How to use the System File Checker to repair missing or corrupted system files in Windows Vista, Windows, or 7
I hope thisfactual information will help you. Please enter your geographic location so we can help you.
What is Compmgmt MSC?
compgmt.msc. computer control. Includes system tools (task scheduler, event viewer, shared folders, local users and groups, performance and device manager), storage (disk management), services and applications (services and WMI management).
Where is Compmgmt MSC?
Click “Start”, click in the appropriate “Start Search” box and type compmgmt. msc, and then press Enter. Expand System Tools. Expand Local Users and Groups, then Groups.
Where is WF MSC?
DCDIAG. You can do this using the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in (WF.MSC), plan group policy (Computer ConfigurationPoliciesWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsWindows Firewall with Advanced Security), or using NETSH .