Approved: Fortect
Over the past few weeks, some users have reported to us that they have encountered changes to the app’s settings while working.
How to change values in appsettings section in app.config?
Welcome to our community! We have technicians who enjoy working together.
I .finally .configured .squid .to .back .and .it .worked .perfectly .but .correctly .does not .work ..I don’t really know the cause of all the errors.
When I run the #service squid command I get the error:
dead squid only subsystem lockedsquid: ERROR: Failed to send value 0 to process 5229: (3) None of these processes
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

When I run the #service squid resume command, I get the error:
Stopping /etc/squid/sbin/squid: squid: ERROR: failed to send signal 7 to process 5229: (3) No sort process
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squid -k Stop
How to add a setting to an app?
squid: ERROR: Could send process 2065 instead of signal 15: (3) No such process exists
I searched on Google but didn’t find anything relevant?
Hello Community!
About 24 hours ago I had a Squid crash. I am playing Squid 2.6 STABLE21 on CentOS.The output of this “show squid status” command is simple
Squid is dead, but the PID file exists
How to update the appsettings.json at runtime?
Starting the service showed OK, but the attempt to stop Squid failed.The strange thing is that there is no Squid service in the “Task Manager”.
So I deleted the /var/run/ file and tried to restart the service, but after running all the commands I got the following message:
squid: ERROR: Failed to send signal 2 to process 3618: (3) No process
20.08.2013 sort 07:57:43| /var/spool/squid/swap.state: (30) read-only filesystemFATAL: storeAufsDirOpenSwapLog: failed aboutopen swap log.Squid cache (version 2.6.STABLE21): abnormal
I quit, nothing has changed in this regard over the past few days. Why is it now a read-only file approach?How to change the file system to read and write?
I really hope these error messages make sense to someone who is bothering you.Any help is appreciated!
[previous in the list] [next in the list] [previous in the chain] [next chain]List: Squid UsersSubject: Re: [squid-users] squid: ERROR: Failed to send stimulus 1 to process 4711: (1) Operation not permittedAuthor: Cheikhou_Dramé Date: 2015-10-30 8:48:55Message ID: 56332EF7.6040503 () gmail! com[Upload RAW theme or custom body]Thank you. He's working again.On 10/29/17:52, 2015 Amos Jeffreys wrote:> 10/30/2015 at 03:12 Sheihou Drama wrote:>> Hello,>> I got this error after releasing my Centos 6.6 system.>> The written document logs are empty and I can't stop restarting Squid. Squid>>>> -in>> Squid Cache: Version 3.1.23>>>>ps-fu squid>> UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD>> Kalmar 4711 4708 20 Oct 19? 2-02:05:21 (squid) -f>> /etc/squid/squid.conf>> Kalmar 4714 4711 October 9, 19? 00:00:00 (no binding)>>>> There must be a few more sbin/squid manager daemon processes to enumerate it> above. Someone could have been killed by something else.>> You will probably need to "kill -9 4711" then remove the .pid filetype and restart Squid.>>> It would be better if you upgraded to a newer version of Squid.> 3.1 is pretty old.>>>> ________________________________________________> squid user mailing list> [email protected]> user mailing [email protected]://[previous full list] [next in the list] [previous stream] [next in
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