Approved: Fortect
If you’re getting Windows XP msconfig.exe error message on your PC, it’s worth reading these troubleshooting guidelines.
Last updated: 6/30/2021 [Average read time: 4.5 minutes]
Msconfig.exe, also known as the System Configuration Utility file, was created by Microsoft for the successful Microsoft® Windows® operating system. EXE files fall under the Win32 EXE (Executable Application) file type category.
Msconfig.exe was initially released in Windows Vista on 08/11/2006 for the Windows Vista Operating System. The last file article released for Windows 10 was [File version 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)] 07/29/2015. Msconfig.exe can be found in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 8.
Explore below file details, EXE file troubleshooting, and free downloads of many versions of msconfig.exe.
Runtime Error Msconfig.exe