Approved: Fortect
It looks like some users have encountered msdaora error 7399. This problem occurs for several reasons. We will talk about this below.
Error 7399: The OLE Provider Database “MSDAORA” Reported An Error. OLE DB Error
My link server worked fine until Friday night.
It stopped working after seven days.
failed and Error 7399: OLE DB provider “MSDAORA” reported an error. OLE DB error.
— my Oracle 10g client is working fine
– NSS names look good
— I recreated our link, but I still get the same error.
I need your help because a lot of jobs are being used this Monday, it will be crazy.
Linked SQL Server 2005 With Oracle 11i
Use SQL script when adding a linked computer for additional control.
BEFORE creating a linked server that runs from SQL on Oracle, you must install the Oracle client (I installed the first Go package, the second option when installing Oracle).
Install installationafter Oracle clients, the device must be restarted (SQL Server service does not restart).
After that, I mean that you create aYou are testing the connection before promoting the linked server. There are several ways to do this, but here’s a little method that always works for me:
1) Right click on the desktop to create a new .txt file. Rename the file with the current extension from “.txt” to “.and udl”, method “Yes” when asked if you want to rename the file
2) Select “Oracle Provider for OLE DB” on the “Provider” tablet. (Actually … for the most part the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle will work, “that’s awesome, but won’t work on a linked server!)
3) Click the “Next” button
4) Enter directly into the “Data Source” field:
5) Enter your username and password for the fields below, and click everywhere on “check connection”.
If it works, you know the ISP, username, password, etc.
So … if you’ve done this, enable the linked server. Forum
some messages (here, as elsewhere) will prompt you to use any MSDAORA vendor. I just found it the other way around. I went to my MSDAORA supplier and he suffered I failed. Worked when using the OraOLEDB.Oracle provider!
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.
Script to write a linked server (you must enter ethics between <..>):
exec sp_addlinkedserver
@ server = ‘
@ provider = ‘OraOLEDB-Server.Oracle’,
@ srvproduct = ‘Oracle’,
@ datasrc = ‘
exec sp_addlinkedserver
@ server = ‘ORALinkedServer’,
@ provider = ‘OraOLEDB.Oracle’,
@ srvproduct = ‘Oracle’,
@ datasrc = ‘ 1526 / mydb’
When it is processed, you must completely configure the authorization on the linked server. This can be significantly enhanced by a stored procedure or properties with services on the new linked server, security, in addition to selecting a remote user and entering the driver name and password.
A lot of chances!
On the first remote machine running SQL Server 2000 and Oracle8i, the linked server is still running fine …
But after the IT department installs the Oracle 11g client on the server …
When I run my open issue in SQL Server I get a great error
[OLE / DB provider returned Ora messagecle: the error was blocked, but the error message could not be retrieved from Oracle.]
OLE DB trace error [IDBInitialize :: Initialize for OLE / DB provider ‘MSDAORA’ returned 0x80004005: ].
Marios Philippopoulos
SSC Guru
< p> Points: 57030
When using OPENROWSET, the following error message appears:
Transporter OLE DB “ORAOLEDB.ORACLE” reported an error. The vendor did not provide any information about the human error. 42000]. [SQLSTATE 01000] (error 7300). The step failed.
The OPENROWSET is called as follows:
SET @SQL = ‘INSERT INTO # tbl (col1, col2, col3) SELECT [col1], [col3] [col2], FROM OPENROWSET (” ORAOLEDB.ORACLE ”, ” ‘+ @ Server +’ ”; ” ‘+ @ Login +’ ”; ” ‘+ @ Password + ” ‘,’ ” + @querysql + ” ‘)
EXEC (@sql)
Everyone who is there Ideas that decisions might be wrong and how to fix it?
Thank you!
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Points: 7793
< p> Marios Philippopoulos (17.04.2008)
I get an error when using d ‘OPENROWSET:
OLE DB provider’ ORAOLEDB.ORACLE ‘suggested an error. The vendor has not provided any new information on the bug. 42000]. [SQLSTATE 01000] (error 7300). The maneuver failed.
OPENROWSET is called in the same way:
SET @SQL = ‘INSERT INTO # tbl (col1, col2, col3 ) SELECT [col1], [col3] [col2], FROM OPENROWSET (” ORAOLEDB.ORACLE ”, ” ‘+ @ Server +’ ”; ” ‘+ @ Login +’ ”; ” ‘+ @ Password + ” ‘,’ ” + @querysql + ” ‘)
EXEC (@sql)
Anyone have any ideas what could go wrong and how to fix it?
Thank you!
Hello Marios,
Can you please replace your query with this one and try
SET @SQL = ‘INSERT INTO # tbl (col1, col2, col3) SELECT [col1], [col2], [col3] FROM OPENROWSET (‘ ‘ORAOLEDB. ORACLE ”, ‘+ @Server +’, ‘+ @login +’, ‘+ @Password +’, ‘+ @querysql +’) ‘
Thank you
Fortunately -
Marios Filippopoulos
SSC Guru
points: 57030
I run our own query below (in line) and I get the same error:
SELECT [col1] , [col2], [col3] FROM OPENROWSET (‘ORAOLEDB.ORACLE’, ‘server’; ‘User’; ‘passwd’, ‘SELECT col1, col2, col3 Tbl’)
The same works with the request in our environment test ent.
Columnstore Index Improvements in SQL Server 2016 – System Views for Permanent Tables on Disk [/ url]
SQL Server Index Usage Statistics with MERGE [/ url]
Download the database for service with Service Broker: 2 [/ url]some
< / div>
Marios Philippopoulos
SSC Guru
Points: 57030
We are apparently missing your current ORAOLEDB. ORACLE provider. When I check a specific registry, I can’t see it:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server IntanceName Providers
< p> Do you have any tips for setting it up?
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