Here are some easy ways that might help you fix win32 msdn stream issue.
Approved: Fortect
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The function creates a new location for the process. The creator of the stream only needs to provide the starting prefix address that the new stream should use. Typically, the starting address is to create a function defined in the model code (see ThreadProc for more information). This function takes a simple one and the parameter is assigned a DWORD value. Process a can create multiple threads that simultaneously perform the same function.
Below is a simple example showing how to create a new thread, which in turn executes the locally defined MyThreadFunction
The buzzer thread uses the WaitForMultipleObjects function to continue everything until the worker threads are finished. The calling thread hangs while actually expects; To continue processing, the calling thread typically uses WaitForSingleObject and waits for each signal from the worker thread to its Wait object. Note that experts argue that if you currently close the workflow handle before closing the site, it will not terminate the user flow. However, the handle is not available for use in subsequent function calls.
#include #include #include #define MAX_THREADS 3#define BUF_SIZE WINAPI 255dword MyThreadFunction (LPVOID lpParam);void ErrorHandler (LPTSTR lpszFunction);// An example of a custom data structure for the streams used.// This is passed from a void pointer, incredible, it could be any data like an idea// can be passed in one null pointer (LPVOID).typedef struct MyData int val1; int val2; MYDATA, * PMEINEDATA;int_tmain () PMYDATA pDataArray [MAX_THREADS]; DWORD dwThreadIdArray [MAX_THREADS]; HANDLING hThreadArray [MAX_THREADS]; // Create MAX_THREADS worker threads. for (int i = 0; i val1 equals i; pDataArray [i] -> val2 = i + 100; // Create all threads to start execution. hThreadArray [i] = CreateThread ( NULL, // Roll Back Security Attributes 0, // use standard stack for all sizes MyThreadFunction, // carefully the name of the function pDataArray [i], // argument of the thread's role 0, // use default build flags & dwThreadIdArray [i]); // give thread id // Usually check the return value for success. // CreateThread, regardless of whether it fails, exits. // This will make sure to automatically clear the thread's memory and. in case (hThreadArray [i] == NULL) ErrorHandler (TEXT ("CreateThread")); Exit process (3); // end of the cycle for creating the main thread. // Wait for all threads to finish. WaitForMultipleObjects (MAX_THREADS, hThreadArray, TRUE, INFINITE); // Close many threads and processAllocate free memory. for (int i = 0; i val1, pDataArray-> val2); StringCchLength (msgBuf, BUF_SIZE, & cchStringSize); WriteConsole (hStdout, msgBuf, (DWORD) cchStringSize, & dwChars, NULL); Returns 0; void ErrorHandler (LPTSTR lpszFunction) FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, ZERO, dw, MAKELANGID (LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) & lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL); // Display messages about an error. lpDisplayBuf = (LPVOID) LocalAlloc (LMEM_ZEROINIT, (lstrlen ((LPCTSTR) lpMsgBuf) + lstrlen ((LPCTSTR) lpszFunction) + 40) (empty) size (TCHAR)); StringCchPrintf ((LPTSTR) lpDisplayBuf, LocalSize (lpDisplayBuf) / sizeof (TCHAR), TEXT ("% s could not hit% d:% s"), lpszFunction, dw, lpMsgBuf); MessageBox (NULL, (LPCTSTR) lpDisplayBuf, TEXT ("Error"), MB_OK); // Free allocation of the error handling buffer. LocalFree (lpMsgBuf); LocalFree (lpDisplayBuf);
The MyThreadFunction
function avoids using the C runtime (CRT) because many of its functions are probably not thread safe, especially if you are not using a multithreaded CRT. If you want to use the In crt the perfect ThreadProc
function, use the _beginthreadex function instead.
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.
It is generally risky to pass the address of an absolute local variable if the creation thread exits before the new thread, because the hint becomes invalid. Instead, pass a dynamically allocated memory notification or let the current development thread wait for the new binding to complete. Data can also be passed from the creation stream to the replacement stream using global variables. As a whole , it is usually necessary to synchronize the connection between multiple threads. For more information on synchronization, see Performing Multithreaded Synchronization .
The creator of a thread can use CreateThread arguments to specify:
- Security options for managing the new location. These security attributes include the inheritance personal identification number, which determines whether the handle can actually originate from inherited child processes. The security features also include a security descriptor that the system uses to perform access checks on all subsequent uses of the blocked threads before granting access.
- The initial stack, which refers to the size of the new thread. The summation of threads is automatically allocated in the process memory space; The system will undoubtedly grow the stack as needed and deallocate it every time the thread exits. For more information, see Thread Stack Size .
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The creator thread must provide a code registration address to start the newbie thread. Usually the start address is the name of the element,defined in code (see ThreadProc for more information). This function takes each parameter and returns a DWORD value.
_Beginthread and _beginthreadex Functions The system allocates CPU time to each individual thread so that all threads can run concurrently in an absolute process. _beginthread, and therefore _beginthreadex, are similar to the Win32 API’s CreateThread function, but have the following versions: They initialize some problems with the C runtime library.
The WaitForSingleObject () call waits for an object to be reached to signal its availability. In other words, the procedure provides better service to the thread and waits for that thread to complete. Threads created with main () will stop running after the main thread finishes.