If you receive an error code when opening an ASCII data connection, this guide is here to help you.
I am currently having a problem with our network where our stores are unable to submit their orders via FTP to be sent to our reseller. I am a trainee, and lately, as far as field service is concerned, I have researched the last 2 days which question has not advanced.
We can connect the FTP server to the server. Using commands such as dir cd or causes one hundred and fifty open ASCIIs to hang.
Using active FTP ports 20 and 21 are configured to work with clients in both directions I tried to remove my computer and firewalls and connect, same problem I checked the connection on my personal laptop. incredible problem
This is currently happening in all 15 destinations we manage, so this is actually a configuration issue.
Customers are using Windows 7 We also use Cisco meraki MX64
I think I’ve tried almost everything. Does anyone have any ideas posted there?
I made sure to create an FTP site on the Win2008R2 server.
I can connect to My Site with user domain . I can use my hard drive to change directories.
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But when I run the existing commands that are supposed to get data natively from FTP (dir, get, put), the sessions are as follows:
Stay there until I hit Ctrl-C to break the habit. If I wait long enough before aborting it, the web connection is lost when I return from the command line.
Issue: New FTP sites hang on open ASCII 150 data connection
I just created a newbie FTP site on Win2008R2 server. In many cases, I can log into a site with a domain user. I can create CDs that change directory. But if I do it, regardless of the commands related to receiving data from FTP (dir, get, put) that load the sessions: 150 Open ASCII Mode-Data Hangs connection as long as I don’t hold Ctrl-C to break it. If I wait long enough, I will break it and lose the link if there is a quick refund.
Commands like CD, pwd, mkdir, rmdir work fine. I need to reinstall the FTP function on the server.
Solution: new FTP blocks withsites at 150. Open an ASCII data connection
Which FTP client software has proven to be effective? On the other hand, is it in passive mode in the port, if? It is in the port procedure that the FTP server tries to establish a good second connection from itself to the end user’s machine to transfer data. The connection will be blocked by any firewall that compares you.
Status: ftp.MyDomain.com address is being resolved.Status: connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xx …Status: connection established, waiting for a welcome message …Answer: 220 Microsoft ServicesAnswer: ftp 220 Winhost.com FTPCommand: USER MyUsernameAnswer: 331 Password is required for MyUserName.Ordered: ********Answer: Pass 230 WelcomeAnswer: 230 connected users.Command: SYSTAnswer: 215 Windows_NTCommand: FEATAnswer: 211 – Extended features supported:Answer: LANG DE *Answer: UTF8Answer: AUTH TLS; TLS-C; SSL; TLS-P;Answer: PBSZAnswer: PROT C; P;Answer: CCCAnswer: HTEAnswer: SIZEAnswer: MDTMAnswer: REST STREAMAnswer: Fin. 211.Command: OPTS UTF8 ONAnswer: Command 200 OPTS UTF8 completed successfully – UTF8 encoding is now enabled.Status: ConnectedyuchenoStatus: an entry from the address list is being retrieved …Command: CWD / MyDirAnswer: 200 successful CWD teams.Command: PWDAnswer: 257 “/ MyDir” is a trendy directory.Command: TYPE iAnswer: put a few hundred characters on I.Command: PASVAnswer: 227 Entering non-aggressive mode (,19.213).Command: LISTAnswer: 150 Open BINARY data connection.Answer: 226 Complete the transfer.status: calculating the balance of the server’s time zones …Command: MDTM -ARC-. jpgAnswer: 213 20140428014604Status: Time zone offset: Server: -25,200 seconds. Local: 36,000 seconds. Difference: 61,200 seconds.Status: successful catalog directoryTeam: TYPE AAnswer: set type 200 to A.Command: PASVAnswer: 227 Switching to passive mode ( STOR test.txtAnswer: one hundred and fifty openings of the ASCII data connection.Answer: 226 Complete the transfer.Status: file sale successful, 27 bytes transferred in seconds.Command: specific RNFR test.txtAnswer: 300 An action is requested with the file pending additional information.Command: RNTO test_.txtAnswer: Command 250 RNTO completed successfully.
Microsoft Windows [version 6.1.7601]Copyright (c) the year Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. protected.C: Users your> cd “C: My local directory subdirectory”c: my directory subdirectory> ftpOpen ftp> ftp.MyDomain.comConnected – ftp.MyDomain.com.220 Microsoft FTP Services220 Winhost.com FTPUser (ftp.MyDomain.com: (none)): MyUserName331 Password is required for MyUserName.Password:230 Welcome230 uploaded users.ftp> Quote selects utf8 OPTS on200 UTF8 requires success – UTF8 encoding is now enabled.ftp> cost cwd cwd / mydir250 successful teams.extract ftp> pwd257 The current directory “/ mydir”.ftp> like a quoteType 200 is set to A.ftp> pasv227 Frequency of entering passive mode (,19.224).ftp> memory quote test.txt150 ASCII data connection open mode.ftp>
Paste ftp> test.txtThe 200 PORT command completed successfully. Open150 ASCII connection reportsControl break550 An unexpected network error occurred.