Approved: Fortect
You may have encountered the error that the parser error is an unexpected syntax error t_variable in Codeigniter. There are now several ways to solve this problem, and we will discuss them shortly.
In the morning I start to study code detonators. I am getting this error when I try to run the project myself.
Parse error: syntax error, swift “$ this” (T_VARIABLE) expected ‘;’ ” or via C: xampp htdocs Codeigniter application models post.php online 5
Post class extends CI_Model Get_posts function ($ num = 20, $ start = 0) $ this-> db-> select () -> from ('posts') -> where ('active', 1) -> order_by ('date_added', 'desc') -> limit ($ start, $ num) ; $ query = $ this-> db-> get (); Returns $ query-> result_array ();
phpClass Posts extends CI_Controller current index () $ this-> load-> model ('message'); $ data ['posts'] = $ this-> post-> get_posts (); print_r ($ data ['messages']);
$ this-> view_data [‘page_title’] implies “Chat with web chat application”;
/ * Here you need to specify which function
* chat_id
* user_id
* chat_message_content
* /
$ chat_id = $ this-> input-> message (‘chat_id’);
$ this -> show _ get_chat_messages ($ chat_id);
Ajax_get_chat_messages () function
$ chat_id = $ this-> input-> message (‘chat_id’);
// (int) last_chat_message_id equals $ this-> session-> userdata (‘last_chat_message_id_’. $ chat_id);
$ chat_message implies $ this-> chat_model-> get_chat_message (‘$ chat_id, $ last_chat_message_id’);
Does $ li_class imply ($ this-> swssion-> userdata (‘user_id’) == $ chat_message-> user_id)? : ‘class = “by_curreent_deta”‘ ”;
$ chat_messages_html. = ‘
$ result means an array (‘status’ => ‘ok’, ‘content’ => $ chat_messages_html);
Output ();
otherwise {
// A serious error occurred while doing something
$ result means an array (‘status’ => ‘ok’, ‘content’ => ”);
[eluser] WanWizard [/ eluser]
Have you checked this feature, do it yourself? Do you think this is getting ready to go?
Function _get_chat_messages ()
(int) last_chat_message_id = $ this-> session-> userdata ('last_chat_message_id_'. equals $ chat_id);
$ chat_message $ this-> chat_model-> get_chat_message ('$ chat_id, $ last_chat_message_id');
if ($ chat_messages-> num_rows ()> 0)
- alt = “” aravind
newbie -
Messages: 1
Topics: 1
Registration: February 2018
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected “$ autoload” (T_VARIABLE) in /opt/lampp/htdocs/codigniter-login-registration/application/config/autoload.php on line 106
PHP error occured by accident
Severity: Failed to scan
Messageerror: syntax error, unexpected “$ autoload” (T_VARIABLE)
File name: config / autoload, number: php
Line 106
How is monosodium glutamate present in my program …….
It looks like your config / autoload. PHP contains a format error.
You should post this article here, with BBcode hidden and any classified information.
there might be a specific missing semicolon, etc.
What have you tried? What helped you? What did you expect?
Joined the CodeIgniter community in 2009 (Skype 🙂
12.01.2020, 02:43
(19.02.2018, 22:08) aravind wrote: Parse error: format error, unexpected ‘$ autoload’ (T_VARIABLE) in / opt / lampp / htdocs / codeigniter- login -inscription / application / config / autoload.php in series 106
PHP error occured
Severity: Failed to scan
Message: Syntax error, unexpected “$ autoload” (T_VARIABLE)
File name: config / autoload.php
Line number: 106
tracking:How does the error message appear in my ……. method
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

There are many cases where I have the same error and the HALF (;) reason was checking 105 Carefully distributing my code , there is a tremendous chance that you have confused something with a colon or with the name of your topic. Hope this gets you in trouble.
- aravind
newbie -
Messages: 1
Topics: 1
Registration: February 2018
Parse error: syntax error unexpected “$ autoload” (T_VARIABLE) via /opt/lampp/htdocs/codigniter-login-registration/application/config/autoload.php on line 106
PHP error occured
Severity: Failed to scan
Message: syntax error, “$ autoload” definitely has problems (T_VARIABLE)
File name: config / autoload.php
Line number: 106
How ominous is the error message inmy program …….
It looks like your config / autoload.php contains a functional syntax error.
You should publish this article with BBcode and any sensitive information.
it can skip a perfect quotation mark with a semicolon, and so on;
(19.02.2018, 22:08) aravind wrote: Parse error: syntax error, unusual ‘$ autoload’ (T_VARIABLE) in / opt / lampp / htdocs / codeigniter- login -registration / application / config / autoload.php on line 106
PHP error occured
Severity: Failed to scan
Message: Format error unexpected by “$ autoload” (T_VARIABLE)
File name: config / autoload.php
Line number: 106
Tracking:How the error message is unambiguously displayed in the program my …….
There have always been many cases where I ran into the same error and (;) seems to have been caused by a semicolon. Also check line 105 of your custom code with a semicolon with your variable name. I hope this fact will solve your problemhis. … …
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Open the specified source file.You should regularly review the preceding lines carefully.Pay attention to syntax highlighting!Space is man’s friend.Temporarily break long lines.Comment out the malicious code.As a beginner, avoid some of the confusing syntax.
Parsing error: syntax error, unexpected sensation when the PHP interpreter encounters a deleted element. This is mainly due to the lack of a looped “}” class. To fix this problem, your family will need to scan the entire file to find the source of the problem.
The “unexpected token” of JavaScript omission occurs when some code construct was expected but something else was thought to have been provided. It could have been a simple typo.