If your system has a pinball troubleshooting forum, this guide might help.
Approved: Fortect
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Thread Starter 02.12.2019 22:25
- You must turn off your computer when moving parts of the game. One of the most common “problems” with pinball machines is the direction of travel across the field when Game Mode is on. Most of you will see that it can sometimes be harmless, that there is a risk of rubbing the wire or solder joint against the bracket, or that a screw, nut, or many pieces of grounding will loosen and short-circuit a great electrical connection. If you need to fold the playing field, turn off the mechanism, raise the playing field, and then somehow they will light it up.
- If it is not broken, do not repair this tool. Some enthusiasts who are new to pinball repair most often try to clean or modify the entire machine when they bring up a specific issue. An unhappy end can cause you to take one step forward, three steps back. This is especially true formatches of the European championship. If you find a switch that might need to be adjusted or cleared, resist one of our impulses while you’re on it, go through and clear them all. Until you are very familiar with the architecture of the game, it will prevent you from digging into arenas that are functioning properly.
- Use the right tools. Spend money and take the time to use the right tools and techniques when working on games. From crimping and riveting to files and types as well as sandpaper, paints and soldering / disassembly tools – don’t sacrifice. A good quality tool saves you time and money. Cheap tools will cause headaches and damage. Invest in big and reliable to grow and promote your current games. Provide yourself with a comfortable, well-lit exercise area. The premises should be well organized and easy to find along the way. Have plenty of storage space available and even a system for labeling stores and locations while work is being done.
- Document My job! Take lots of pictures before, during and after work. When you unplug the connectors, or perhaps take apart parts, shoot them from different angles as before, write down what I’ve tried and process their history. I will also attach a sticker on the top glass where I can take notes of the elements that need to be worked on with each game. So when it comes time to do maintenance on problem X, I will also note that showing the machine separately, I would have to fix options A, B, and C in my little post to get a note. It is very frustrating to take the drawing game apart, fix any slow fins, put them back together, but even then realize that there are Christmas lights that I had to replace at any time.
- Remove batteries from MPU cards from time to time and replace them. With solid state machines, families who are fortunate enough to have a vintage car without battery acid damage are no longer in danger. Install the external battery and savesolid capacitor as another solution that fixes the problem. Change the batteries once a year just in case. Many also believe that not all brands are created equal. (I’m not going to put antidepressants in the vending machines)
- Change balls and keep the field clean regularly. The main cause of field degradation is the result of rotten pinball machines starting to wear out or alternatively corrode and act like sandpaper, tearing the field pattern, mylar, sheer jacket and whatever bothers them. Bullets are cheap. Replace them regularly if many of them even seem a little rough. It is also important to thoroughly dust / clean the playing field. The Swiffer is great for getting into tight spaces and removing permissions that can lead to normal wear or ball sticking. Hair removal (100% carnauba wax) is always good, but be careful to gain experience in areas where it cannot be removed.
- First of all, look for simple solutions. William of Ockham, 14th century philosopher, thanks eby Razor’s dictum for not complicating the problem any more than it should. Now, if your machine reports that 7 different field switches will last longer, don’t assume you have 7 different faulty switches; instead, maybe there is a common cable that is out of order and affects all 7 switches? Look for something out of the ordinary, and when you see something odd, use your eyes and your time to figure out where it should be. Usually, when something goes wrong, newbies get bogged down with seemingly simpler “solutions”, where the problem is the result of something even simpler than they think: the pinball machine isn’t working. Beginners can swap coils and repair things before they see a fuse, broken wire, or plug not fully inserted. You will likely save time by looking for a range of common / simpler-to-fix causes of the problem, as opposed to the more obvious possible one-off damage. With this in mind, it is safe to test these fuses early on: it’s okay ifyou won’t physically remove them and see them), connectors (loose connectors or bad clips on connectors are the root cause of most problems), poor grounding (again, a loose connection). electrical circuits or printed circuit boards that are not screwed on properly, so you just need to ground the backplane).
- Test the game before launching it and manage it after moving it. Every time you move or start a new game, protect yourself from the urge to finish it quickly. Even if it worked 100% before you put it in your car, playing the game can cause things to loosen and the bars, especially the caps, unscrew, and you don’t want to risk your current one. a car. Before turning on the game, review the entire car and make sure that all connections are secure and working. If users turn on the game and a better power coil turns on, turn off the situation. before the coil burns out.
- You know how to properly pack, transport and store a computer game. Games are often requiredThey will be damaged or even destroyed because people do not know how to combine movement and play. NEVER wear a particular game with your head upright (in modern online video stands, you can fold your head; in folded games, you must unplug your head and also remove it from its case). If a person has no more than two people to move, perhaps don’t try to do it yourself, pause the game and split it into parts. Removing the playing field as well as loosening / reattaching elements can be a simple pain, but it is far better to try to move everything at once than something that gets in the way of your back or damages your function. Also note that there are many vulnerable parts in these games. Be especially extreme with all tempered glass and glass flashbacks. They are easy to scratch. Hardened drinks are impact-resistant, but they are also generally very susceptible to “burst” if spills occur at the edges or are considered subject to sudden temperature changes. Even so wetnot a killer! Some spine glasses can peel off artwork immediately if they get wet. Some cabinets are made of Medium Density Fiberboard and will swell and break when exposed to water. Further processing has to be done. When moving machines, ALWAYS tighten the cabinet BUT DO NOT CLOSE or tightly, you may have problems with the glass in this area or the head and half rails. Always remove the bales from the new machine and any other coins (or coins) from the cabinet that might ricochet during transport.
- Use your eyes! The best way to find out what’s wrong with a working pinball machine is to use Eyes Your. Study the game in detail and see everything that is impossible