Approved: Fortect
Recently, some of our readers encountered an error code while installing Platespin. This issue occurs for a number of reasons. Let’s look at them now. During the installation, the actual error message appears saying that PlateSpin Migrate cannot connect to IIS outside of HTTP or HTTPS if the installer tried to connect to an existing IIS server. The cause of the error usually indicates a problem with the current IIS server. Make sure IIS and therefore ASP.NET is installed correctly.
This error message appears during installation, indicating to PlateSpin that Migrate is unable to connect to IIS over HTTP, possibly HTTPS, while the installer is trying to make a full connection to the existing IIS server. A cause similar to this error usually indicates a problem with the IIS server. Make sure IIS and, therefore, ASP, .NET are installed correctly.
The procedure below describes the steps required to uninstall the software, usually the PlateSpin components, and migrate to perform any optional manual cleanup. This may be necessary when upgrading or troubleshooting a previous installation.
For more information on cleaning up source workers after migration loads, see Post-Migration Tasks
of the PlateSpin Migrate 2018.11 User Guide.
Use the windows control panel to uninstall the appropriate PlateSpin Migrate Client. See
Use the Windows Control Panel to uninstall PlateSpin Server.
(Optional) If someone decides to install a server localBrowse the web using the PlateSpin To Migrate Installer application and you no longer need this method, use the Windows command to install Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition.
Make sure that the directories :
Make sure the server’s .PlateSpin directory is removed from home.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …PlateSpin Migration Server
Make sure the PlateSpin Migrate Home client directory is deleted:
..PlateSpin Client Migration
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.
- 1. Download Fortect and install it on your computer
- 2. Launch the program and click "Scan"
- 3. Click "Repair" to fix any issues that are found
(Optional) If you installed a local Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition database server and most people removed it, delete the entire directory:
..ProgramsMicrosoft Server SQL
WARNING! remove Non-free SQL information if you have configured another SQL server on the PlateSpin Migrate Server host.
Open IIS Manager and be sure to delete the virtual directories and.PlateSpinMigrate as well as xweb and.
Restart each of our hosts. This is
make sure the PlateSpin server’s home index has been deleted:
..PlateSpin Server migrate
Make sure the directory toRemoved PlateSpin Migrate Home client:
..PlateSpin Client Migration
(Optional) If you have a local Microsoft Server Express Edition SQL Database Server installed publicly and you are uninstalling it, remove the directory:
..ProgramsMicrosoft Server SQL
WARNING! Do not delete the SQL directory if you have installed an alternative SQL server on the PlateSpin Migrate Server host.
The workload cannot be migrated because it has no active partitions. Make sure your workload has exactly active partition 1, but try again |
This error occurs whenever there is no active partition for the workload. Use the SELECT diskpart and ONLINE commands to activate the partition: