Approved: Fortect
If Sirius is playing Winamp on your PC, this guide might help.
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Date joined: July 2002
Posts: 62
There are no answers yet. Here are a number of other details that can give rise to ideas.
1 – XM Radio Online WILL play Media Player 10 by clicking on the corresponding symbol in the Online Shopping function in the upper right corner. I have Windows 2000 and the media check player does not have this feature. MP10 is not available for W2K.
2 – In Firefox, the browser reads the stream through the built-in plugin in mp9 format. This seriously doesn’t run MP9 as a standalone application. Stream URL (MP9 are also properties) of the following form:…507eca2dadcdbf
3 – Requirement for the player – Flash. The Player applet will most likely play Flash sound. Probably a “Windows metafile”?
4 – I enabled the media type .WMA, Winamp in, but streams still don’t respond to Winamp by default.
5 – In the properties of the Firefox Player applet, the file looks like MIME Wide Range / x-mplayer2. This MIME form is usually associated withBy registry entry HKLM SOFTWARE Classes Content type application / x-mplayer2. asx.
6. Now I have installed the Winamp “Playlist By Loader” DrO plugin and the associated Winamp which has .asx files but Winamp does not open between the XM online player playlist. I have no experience using this plugin with Winamp.
7 – In the Radio xm Online player applet / playlist, URLs cannot be accessed directly via a link or visible from the source code of the page.
There are no answers yet. Here are some additional details that might spawn ideas.
1 – XM Radio Online WILL be streamed using Media Player 10 if you click the corresponding star in the Online Shopping function in the upper right corner. I have Windows 2000 and Media, some players do not have this function. MP10 is not available for W2K.
2 – In Firefox, the browser reads the MP9 stream as a built-in plugin. This was not resolved when running MP9 as an app. The mp9 stream url (from properties) probably looks like this:
3 – The player requires Flash 7, soThe mu player applet will most likely play Flash sound. Probably “Windows Media Metafile?”
4 – I have activated Winamp in. The media type is WMA, but streams still don’t play Winamp by default.
5 – In the properties of the Firefox Player applet, the MIME key of the file looks like application / x-mplayer2. According to every registry entry HKLM SOFTWARE Classes Content Type application / x-mplayer2, this MIME form is associated with .asx files.
6 I have installed the Winamp “Playlist Loader” plugin from DrO and the associated Winamp contains .asx files, but Winamp does not open in the XM Online Player playlist. I currently have no experience using this plugin with Winamp.
7 – In the XM Radio Online player applet / playlist, you cannot directly access any type of link url and they are not visible from the source page code.
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

hello New registered (but longtime lover) here. I’m just wondering if the SIRIUS plug-in for Winamp is still in development. It would be great if we could let them use Winamp to hear Howard and / or all the great music they have.
How do you submit a formal request? I know that TimeWarner / AOL owns Winamp and besidesIt seems to have an agreement with XM, but assuming there is no exclusive right, of course, you have to admit that one that is suitable for wider use of Winamp is built into SIRIUS. … .More. Which the. Be aware … the respective governments disagree, the SIRIUS-XM merger may be at the end (although I doubt it).
OK, thanks! I look forward to becoming a physically active member of this forum !!
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