Approved: Fortect
Sometimes, your computer may display an error code indicating that the print spooler received startup error 1068. There can be several reasons why this error occurs.
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Print Spooler Service Error 1068
The factor that prevents you from starting the service is that the Print Spooler service usually depends on other services that may not work correctly. This can happen if the services are not running:
How do I clear the print spooler error?
Press Window + R in Marketplace to open the launch dialog.Enter “services. Msc ”, but select“ OK ”.Double click the Print Spooler service, then change the itc type to Automatic.Restart your computer and try installing ink again.
Print Spooler Service Error 1068
Depends on this number and the type of printer installed. skal køre, for novice Print Spooler users. If you accidentally uninstalled a certain spooler service in Windows 10, download it.
Is The Spooler Service Missing In Windows 10? and use your PC’s file. The .File registry was probably last tested on Windows 10 v20H2. Reactivate Windows after some application files. This recovery should be possible for the Print Spooler service in Windows Services MMC in version 10.
About The Print Spooler Service.
The print spooler service is the service that applies the print command to the printer. It always handles multiple print commands and allows you to print one after the other to completion.The latest seal. Print spooler support works with two system files.
What Is Error 1068 In Windows Services Supposed To Mean?
I’m having trouble starting a workstation with service providers, but I’m getting the error: “Windows could not open workstation start service on local machine Error 1068: Failed to start service or group dependency on Marketplace” This prevents me from simply starting my service.
Remove Unnecessary Printers
Expert advice. PC problems are hard to fix, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or really missing Windows files. Striving to make sure you fix a mistake can partially break your entire body. We recommend that you install Restoro, a tool that experts say will analyze them and the computer will find the error. Just click “Download” and start recovery.