Approved: Fortect
In this article, we are going to uncover some of the possible causes that the installshield regdbgetkeyvalueex example might cause, and then I will suggest potential fixes that you can try to resolve this issue. For home users, I rate ESET NOD32 for Linux as the best antivirus for Ubuntu. It’s probably not easy to find a powerful, easy-to-use and regularly updated Ubuntu antivirus – ESET NOD32 is the antivirus solution that Ubuntu users deserve.
AVG is a free version of AVG’s antivirus software for personal, non-commercial use.
There may not be an official license for these current versions of AVG for Linux.graphical user interface, but there is currently a free third-party interface called AVG-GUI.
Install Free AVG
Note. If you are running the application on a 64-bit version of Ubuntu, you may need to install the 32-bit compatibility packs. See Multiarchive.
Run Daemons On Startup And On Demand
By default, the AVG package configures several daemons to start on final system boot. If you’ve only scanned occasionally, you may not want to run daemons all the time. In this case, you can disable automatic startup of certain daemons by running:
Then, although you want to run a scan, start the daemons by doing:
If you later decide to run these daemons at startup, simply reinstall this package.
Update Virus Definitions
According to the installation instructions, you need to update your virus definitions by simply running:
Scan Files And Directories
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

You can diagnose files and directories Scan on demand by running avgscan in the ticker. More information can be found on this person’s avgscan website. A deep “paranoid” read, in which the report is saved to a file, might look like this:
AVG Experts
Does AVG work on Ubuntu?
AVG Free is actually AVG’s free antivirus software for private, non-commercial use. There are also other antivirus software for Ubuntu. There is no official GUI for current versions of AVG for Linux, but there is a free third party interface called AVG-GUI.
These Community Experts Will Help You
Does Ubuntu need 2020 antivirus?
No, you don’t need a dedicated antivirus (AV) to protect Ubuntu.
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Hi, can I learn AVG with Internet Security for UBUNTU 20.04 LTS I? I believe in AVG and as a result it took me a long time to get Windows, but I’m going back to Linux. I like Linux more than Windows. I am fully versed in 2 antiviruses. One is AVG and the other is Karspersky, but I can’t find a Linux antivirus for either of these companies.
Can anyone help me? just want AVG or Karsperky for Linux. I see that I am not looking for another company.
Does Ubuntu need antivirus protection?
Ubuntu is a distribution or variant of the Linux operating system. You should release an antivirus for Ubuntu, as you do for almost all Linux operating systems, to maximize your security resilience to threats.