In some cases, your computer may display the Adobe Security # 2060 error message. There can be several reasons for this error.
Approved: Fortect
So, I solved this dilemma on my computer. It was very annoying and I was getting 3 such errors every 30 seconds to help Mins 2.
I found this to be related in part to ads on my AOL Messanger friends list.
You have downloaded the free adfender software and errors 2060 have been fixed.
On the other hand, if you use online email programs such as AIM or Yahoo, you create other applications or windows that can display ads (even on a news site if it is an advertisement)
This or any other ad blocking method (a standalone program, not just an extension for your individual browser) should do it.
You correctly said that under Win8.1 Flash (ActiveX for IE) no program is displayed and does not work.
There are roughly three ways to identify / validate your global version:
2) Download the Flash Player help page and click “Check Now”.
3) in Internet Explorer by selecting Tools / Manage Add-ons / Extensions from the toolbar and scrolling down to highlight / select an area ct Shockwave Flash and mark the version in the lower half of the control panel / p>
If these sites, especially the first one, claim that your Flash Player has been updated to the July 16 version for IE, I’m wondering if this is a warning sign that Microsoft is a “bug.” out “Are Windows Updates pending for a bug fix release?
Some more interesting information. If you dig a little deeper into my error, you will see debug results. He revealed that Mr. Pollard was a trusted writer for Comcast’s action movies at Comcast, Linked In reports.
SecurityError: Bug # 2060: Security sandbox violation ExternalInterface: cannot access
“) .insertAfter (selector); newSelector let = ‘. drop-down-container ‘; if ($ (newSelector) .hasClass (‘spectrum-popup – top’)) let topVal mean $ (newSelector) [0] .offsetTop – $ (‘. error-strip’) [0] .offsetHeight; $ (newSelector) .css (“top”, topVal); } } ScreenNameCancelAction Function (mode, e) Trylet child = $ (‘. drop-down container’) [0]; if (‘ForumTopicPage’ === ‘ViewProfilePage’) trackScreenNameInteractions (‘Community: profileEditCancelled’, ‘profileInteraction’); another if (mode === ‘undo’) trackScreenNameInteractions (‘Community: editBannerCancelled’); otherwise if (mode === ‘close’) trackScreenNameInteractions (‘Community: editBannerRemoved’); The child element is $ (‘. Display-name-msg-strip-container’) [0]; child.parentNode.removeChild (child); if e. stop propagation (); e.preventDefault (); catch (be wrong) Console.log (error);
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Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

“) .insertAfter (selector); newSelector let implies ‘.drop-down-container’; if ($ (newSelector) .hasClass (‘spectrum-popup – top’)) incl Read topVal = $ (newSelector) [0] .offsetTop – $ (‘. Error-strip’) [0] .offsetHeight; $ (newSelector) .css (“top”, topVal); } } ScreenNameCancelAction Capability (mode, e) Try let minor = $ (‘. drop-container’) [0]; if (‘ForumTopicPage’ === ‘ViewProfilePage’) trackScreenNameInteractions (‘Community: profileEditCancelled’, ‘profileInteraction’); another if (mode === ‘undo’) trackScreenNameInteractions (‘Community: editBannerCancelled’); otherwise if (mode === ‘close’) trackScreenNameInteractions (‘Community: editBannerRemoved’); minor = $ (‘. display-name-message-stripe-container’) [0]; child.parentNode.removeChild (child); if does. stop spreading (); e.preventDefault (); catch (be wrong) Console.log (error);
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