Approved: Fortect
In this blog post, we will identify some possible causes that might interfere with the system-config-samba scan and then suggest possible fixes that you can try to resolve.
tl; dr I recommend learning how to simply edit the smb.conf file; You will find that it is not difficult. But if the public doesn’t want it and, okay, is struggling to cheat, the steps below might help. If clients are really lazy and genuinely want to try running my Linux Mint script, I HIGHLY recommend BACKING UP FIRST (for example, and for clarity: I don’t recommend just disabling scripts). Blind execution on the network. I recommend using your story as a reference, but I know there are usually people who don’t listen; I usually only test my script through Mint, so newer versions of d ‘Ubuntu, in particular, may have issues that I am in no hurry with. so far if you find it I don’t mind if you post a question to my github with “system-config-samba Broken on ie8 xx.xx” etc. priority for me. May 2021 these steps were tested round the clock against 22 ubuntu.04 on a virtual machine and also did a good job with LM-20 on (Ubuntu 20.04 base). throws an error when you load the script and try to run it, because this element has dependencies (instThe manuals can be found in the README file here in the scripts folder). Update:
May 24, 2021 I got a report on good github that some of the original links I posted in wget states no longer work. My scripts as well as this post have been updated on the marketplace to use the new links (thanks to user N0rbert). Manual installation was tested in Virtualbox with Ubuntu 21.04 and I was able to add system-config-samba and get it to work. See the Github Issues page for more details. I do not recommend continuing to use system-config-samba bc A) I see that Python2 has a security issue because it stops receiving updates, B) it is older and was never designed to alert you to the actual event they are the options are insecure and C) smb.conf is very well documented and fairly easy to learn. But I understand that some parents may have their own reasons, and I am not here to be an adversary; so think about it 🙂
For anyone looking for system-config-samba running on Ubuntu 19 / Ubuntu 20, etc., there are 4 things you really need Make it really work and take advantage of other common programs. p>
Also keep in mind that sometimes, if this works, it may conflict with some new features (samba3 / samba4 / etc.). I have not seen it personally, but I am saving it to help some users intending to change the rewards and not go overboard with text information files, and it worked for me to complete this use case.
1. Not far from Rest headquarters. This can be fixed by downloading the appropriate legacy g files and installing them manually. AGAIN, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND TO MAKE A BACKUP TO ** BEFORE ** APPLY THESE CHANGES
mkdir ~ / Downloads / system-config-samba-debscd ~ / Downloads / system-config-samba-debs# If you are using Ubuntu 20.10+ it looks like you need# depends on libcairo2, which was obviously always removed in Ubuntu 20.10# Consumer credit score goes to user For n0bert, who predicted this in fslint's postwget Required for all Ubuntu versions since 19.10.wget before it will download all deb files to run:# Note that I have made some caveats about the following:# 'Device preset error' and# 'N: download without sandbox as root as file'# I just ignored them; they were against the creation of SCS.# And if it's individual security, why install Python2 ?!sudo apt-get install -y ./*.deb# If you find it worked, you can get it somewhere in your $ PATHwhich system-configuration-samba / Usr / sbin / system-configuration-samba