In this how-to, we’ll identify some possible causes that could lead to instrumentation pipeline errors, and then I’ll suggest potential ways that you can try to fix the problem.
Approved: Fortect
PIPE error “X Toolkit Warning: Failed to open selection
I ran into a bug when using PIPE and RSH that confuses me a bit:
$ string rsh rmnode “dls directory$;” | –
( go through sys$pipe x ; install /JOB /NOLOG abc & )
X x Toolkit warning: unable to open display
$pipe rsh rmnode “dls$dir;” | -Search
sys$pipe “%DIRECT-W-NOFILES”,
%DIRECT-W-NOFILES, no file views found
I’m curious because searching works, reading doesn’t work either. Ideas?
Almost all
Contributed by John Brandon
$ rsh rmnode “dls directory$;” | –
( read sys$pipe; install /JOB /NOLOG xyz
Is it an extreme space between & and all the X’s? Then if it’s
x, the symbol is in all likelihood an attempt to support a program that
wants to write to the fancy X screen.
Contributed by Peter Weaver
Is there really a space between the leading & and x? If so,
x is probably the character you need to buy to run a program
that wants to be able to write to the screen X.A
In the forestIn another non-RSH trial, I also have some quirks:
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Here I run exactly the same instructions on a non-existent file, and they work:
$ pipe directory file.txt; | –
(find sys$pipe x ; install /JOB /NOLOG abc &x ); eqvnam = f$trnlnm(“xyz”)
Here I run exactly the same command on an existing file type and it fails:
$ directory cylinder file.wrk; | –
( read sys$pipe x ; schema /JOB /NOLOG xyz &x ) – eqvnam = f$trnlnm(“xyz”)
%DCL-NULFIL or invalid file standards missing – respec
FILE.WRK;1 1/18 Oct 21, 2003 12:28:46.59 PM
I think so 🙂 Have you tried thinking again without a space
$ pipe dir | (read sys$pipe x; install /job/nolog abc &x) ! No
%DCL-W-NULFIL, missing or invalid file criteria –
specify again
Channel directory $ | (read sys$pipe time; detect /job/nolog xyz & x)!
generally note the space
%DCL-W-INSFPRM, missing command options – total
required options
21 – OCT-1999 13:48:15
John Brandon’s contribution
works: directory pipe file.txt; | –
(find sys$pipe x ; install /JOB /NOLOG abc &x ); eqvnam =
Show caption $eqvnam
EQVNAM = “%DIRECT-NOFILES, no files found “
Failed to publish John Brandon
: $ pipe directory file.wrk; | –
( check sys$pipe x; install /JOB /NOLOG abc &x ); eqvnam =
f$trnlnm(“xyz”) %DCL-NULFIL, file lost or invalid
If you try the two most important directory commands, besides esophagus,
you will see a difference, if the file is not found, you
return powerful single-line errors. When you find downloads, you get
an empty bottom line, then your directory title, then an empty company, and then
filenames. Your reading of SYS$PIPE returns a valid empty string
(NULL), then you are “DEFINE/JOB/NOLOG run XYZ &X” which
translates to “DEFINE/JOB/NOLOG XYZ inches” since X is NULL< br>Because this is the corner of the PIPE command, the DCL is unlikely to be able to suggest you the
missing parameter, resulting in an error.
Web site file $pipe.wrk; –
( | read sys$pipe x1 – – read sys$pipe x2 ; /JOB /NOLOG
set xyz &x2 )
and you will see a space (as long as file.wrk is still
$tv directory file.wrk; | –
( read sys$pipe null; read sys$pipe x1; find sys$pipe null
; read sys$pipe x2; specify /JOB /NOLOG xyz1 &x1; install /JOB
/NOLOG xy2 &x2 )
Show $logxyz*
Courtesy of Peter Weaver
Is it really?What about the space between our & and x? If this method
Peter Weaver’s contribution
x is probably a view trying to run a program with