Approved: Fortect
In this article, we will learn about some of the possible causes that can lead to the fatal Typo3 error.
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The finished patch 1 for the master branch of the Packages / TYPO3.CMS project has been moved to the server.
It is available at
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.Approved: Fortect
require_once from T3Configuration.php is false. Just ask about it here!
- Status changed from Pending to Comments Required.
- Status changed from “Comments Required” to “Under Review”.
Patch position 2 for the Branch Master of the Packages / TYPO3.CMS project has been moved to the article server.
It is available at
Ok, this motivates using require instead of require_once. However, there is no point in reloading LocalConfiguration and AdditionalConfiguration, the method used to clear the entire memory cache.
- Modification of the status “Under completion” mustIt must be corrected.
- % complete increased from 0 to 100
For what reasons should you not use the word “must” now?
- Status changed from resolved to closed.
“RUN typo3cms cache: flush” in Dockerfile returns:
# 1270853882: Fatal error TYPO3: no database selected!
thrown into file typo3 / sysext / core / Classes / Database / DatabaseConnection.php
on line 1639
Trace Exceptions:
# 0 TYPO3 CMS Core Database DatabaseConnection :: connectDB ()
typo3 / sysext / core / Classes / Database / DatabaseConnection.php: 478
# 1 TYPO3 CMS Core Database DatabaseConnection :: query ()
typo3 / sysext / core / Classes / Database / DatabaseConnection.php: 457
# 2 TYPO3 CMS Core Database DatabaseConnection :: exec_TRUNCATEquery ()
typo3 / sysext / core / Classes / Cache / Backend / Typo3DatabaseBackend.php: 270
# 3 TYPO3 CMS Core Cache Backend Typo3DatabaseBackend :: flush ()
typo3 / sysext / core / Classes / Cache / Frontend / AbstractFrontend.php: 121
# 4 TYPO3 CMS Core Cache Frontend AbstractFrontend :: flush ()
typo3 / sysext / core / Classes / Cache / CacheManager.php: 156
# 5 TYPO3 CMS Core Cache CacheManager :: flushCaches ()
/ app / vendor / helhum / typo3-console / Classes / Service / CacheService.php: 70
# 6 Helhum Typo3Console Service CacheService :: flush ()
# 7 Helhum Typo3Console Command CacheCommandController :: flushCommand ()
# 8 call_user_func_array ()
# 9 Helhum Typo3Console Mvc Controller CommandController :: callCommandMethod ()
# 10 Helhum Typo3Console Mvc Controller CommandController :: processRequest ()
typo3 / sysext / extbase / Classes / Mvc / Dispatcher.php: 86
# 11 TYPO3 CMS Extbase Mvc Dispatcher :: dispatch ()
# 12 Helhum Typo3Console Mvc Cli RequestHandler :: handleRequest ()
# 13 Helhum Typo3Console Core ConsoleBootstrap :: run ()
# 14 Closing ()
# 15 requires ()
/ app / provider / helhum / typo3-console / Scripts / typo3cms: 4`
Databases are parameterized with conditional variables. $ GLOBALS ['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'] ['DB'] ['password'] = getenv ('TYPO3__DATABASE__PASSWORD'); $ GLOBALS ['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'] ['DB'] ['host'] = getenv ('TYPO3__DATABASE__HOST'); $ GLOBALS ['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'] ['DB'] ['username'] equals getenv ('TYPO3__DATABASE__USER'); $ GLOBALS ['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'] ['DB'] ['database'] = getenv ('TYPO3__DATABASE__NAME');
ANDInterestingly, the Equal command works like a miracle when the build is complete and the machine is running.
# 1270853882: Fatal error TYPO3: no database selected!
thrown into file typo3 / sysext / core / Classes / Database / DatabaseConnection.php
during 1639
Trace Exceptions:
# 0 TYPO3 CMS Core Database DatabaseConnection :: connectDB ()
typo3 / sysext / core / Classes / Database / DatabaseConnection.php: 478
# 1 TYPO3 CMS Core Database DatabaseConnection :: query ()
typo3 / sysext / core / Classes / Database / DatabaseConnection.php: 457
# 2 TYPO3 CMS Core Database DatabaseConnection :: exec_TRUNCATEquery ()
typo3 / sysext / core / Classes / Cache / Backend / Typo3DatabaseBackend.php: 270
# 3 TYPO3 CMS Core Cache Backend Typo3DatabaseBackend :: flush ()
typo3 / sysext / core / Classes / Cache / Frontend / AbstractFrontend.php: 121
# 4 TYPO3 CMS Core Cache Frontend AbstractFrontend :: flush ()
typo3 / sysext / core / Classes / Cache / CacheManager.php: 156
# 5 TYPO3 CMS Core Cache CacheManager :: flushCaches ()
# 6 Helhum Typo3Console Service CacheService :: flush ()
# 7 Helhum Typo3Console Command CacheCommandController :: flushCommand ()
# 8 call_user_func_array ()
# 9 Helhum Typo3Console Mvc Controller CommandController :: callCommandMethod ()
# 10 Helhum Typo3Console Mvc Controller CommandController :: processRequest ()
typo3 / sysext / extbase / Classes / Mvc / Dispatcher.php: 86
# 11 TYPO3 CMS Extbase Mvc Dispatcher :: dispatch ()
# 12 Helhum Typo3Console Mvc Cli RequestHandler :: handleRequest ()
# 13 Helhum Typo3Console Core ConsoleBootstrap :: run ()
# 14 Closing ()
# 15 requires ()
/ app / provider / helhum / typo3-console / Scripts / typo3cms: 4`
The database settings are listed after the group environment variables. $ GLOBALS ['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'] ['DB'] ['password'] = getenv ('TYPO3__DATABASE__PASSWORD'); $ GLOBALS ['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'] ['DB'] ['host'] means $ GLOBALS ['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'] ['DB'] ['username'] getenv ('TYPO3__DATABASE__HOST'); = getenv ('TYPO3__DATABASE__USER'); $ GLOBALS ['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'] ['DB'] ['database'] = getenv ('TYPO3__DATABASE__NAME');
Interestingly, the same basic command works like a spell even after the build is complete and the tools run.
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